Monday, September 30, 2019

Academic Strategies

This is a five-part assignment. You should have already accessed the assignment in Canvas and completed the previous four steps: 1 . Watch the Academic Strategies video. 2. Practice annotating Plat's Allegory of the Cave using the concepts taught In the video. 3. Watch the video lecture on the Allegory of the Cave and practice taking notes during the lecture. 4. Take the practice quiz In Canvas to see how well you were able to anticipate the questions. The fifth and final part of the assignment Is to save and submit this file, along with a copy of your annotated allegory and lecture notes.Note: there are scanner is each of the 1 1 open-access computer labs on campus. Assignment Assess how effective your notes and annotations were. Before scanning your notes and annotation, clearly identify by quiz number where relevant information is present. For example, if question one was answered in your annotation marks, put a number one next to that part in your annotation. Complete the two gri ds and questions below before saving and submitting in Canvas along with your two other scanned files. Quiz Question Did you miss the question? Is the answer to the question In your text annotation or lecture notes?Text Annotation Lecture Notes Match each part of the allegory with the best possible interpretation. Partly This information I found in my notes. I think I Just got confused about how I had written it and how I interpreted it. Based on the lecture, which of the following Is NOT true of Socrates? No Both Which of the following fictional works was given In lecture as an example of an allegory. No The prisoners chained at the base of the cave are like . Yes Again, I think I Just misinterpreted my notes and what I thought was the idea. What does the sun outside the cave represent?No Which of the following is not true in the Banking Model of Education? Yes I didn't read the â€Å"not true† part of the question and instead answered what I thought was true. What is the si gnificance of the activity of â€Å"naming? † Liberal Arts Education is the process of becoming a free person liberated from intellectual vices such as apathy, lack of curiosity, and ignorance. Using the metaphors and symbols of the cave, why does the university require students to engage in the process of Liberal Arts Education? No Both. Could have connected it better to the story.Even the best students often encounter challenges with their study skills throughout their college career. In fact, it is not uncommon for students who earned As in high school to seek out additional study strategies once they experience the variety of coursework in college. Identify a couple of challenges that you may expect to encounter with regard to your own study skills, and then discuss the resources available and your action plan to overcome those challenges. Challenges Resources Action Plan Example: Inability to fully concentrate and take notes during a long lecture. US Academic Resource Ce nter online information and workshops, I. . Information about active listening during lectures. Read the information on the ARC website about listening during lectures. Practice habits of an effective listener listed on the website. Take a quick nap before class, put phone and laptop away, and practice concentrating during history class. Visit ARC workshop if that doesn't work. 1. I am worried I will be a procrastinator, and not work as hard as I should on my studying. I can go use the US Academic Resource Center and watch helpful videos. I can also offer to some of the videos that have been used on the US 1010 Canvas course.Start making study schedules. I need to start doing my homework when it is handed out and fresh in my mind. I need to do homework when it is first available for me to do it. I can also make calendars and plan out my weeks. 2. I will also struggle to keep up with the rest of the class. I am a slow learner, and I am worried I will fall behind. I can use the resour ces my professor gives me, like Supplemental groups and use the opportunity to study with my peers. I need to start going to Supplemental Instruction Courses and make time to learn more when I am not aught up.I need to make sure I put in extra time to study and stay caught up. Did you use your annotation and notes while taking the quiz? If so, would you have done as well if this was a closed-note quiz? I did use my notes and annotation, but I think I would have probably done Just as well as I did without them. What did you learn while doing this assignment? It is important to do well on note-taking and annotating. Even if you are not able to use those on a test or quiz, you retain more information by writing it down and going through the material repeatedly afterwards.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Case Study Facebook (A) or (B)

Faceable have aided organizational communication by spreading information fast and father. In reality formal chain of command is an incomplete communication, so organizations need to develop informal communication network to better transmit information, such as grapevine. For example, the statuses on Faceable can contribute to the transmission of information. Although face-to-face interview is high in information richness, non-verbal language also has an important impact on the outcome of employment interview decision.For example, with the pictures posed on Faceable, the clothing people wears can transmit clear signals. On the other hand, it is complicated to transmit information through new media because with not all informal communication bring benefit to organizations, such as rumors. Therefore, organizations should focus on rumor control, and online media (Faceable) needs to enhance private information security because personal information may be misused by hostile person.Miranda ' reaction would not the same when she heard the rumor about Rick's activity which is not rue because interview, including face-to-face interview, telephone conversation etc. Is relatively higher in richness than rumor which Is thought belong to â€Å"chat† type. For example, Miranda has had an interview with Rich, so Miranda has more potential information about Pick with highly non-verbal and Para-verbal cues. Yes, it reflects the â€Å"one up, one down† of gender differences In communication because men tend to be more sensitive to power dynamics than women.For example, men are more boastful about their competence; Instead, women are low-key In showing their viability, so women Is considered In a one down position. Therefore, Deborah decreases the times of posing something on Faceable or even no accounts on Faceable. Miranda should hire Deborah. Pictures and statuses can show what Rick really looks like. Rick are more boastful about his capabilities than Deborah, and he minimizes his weakness In performance. Moreover, It Is easy to regular verbal behavior during Interview, so Miranda should turn attention to non-verbal cues. If Miranda hires Rick, uncertainty and risks will Increase.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Going Back to School Essay

Returning to school was something I alway intended to do in my life. I knew there would be some obstacles and hurdles i would have to overcome to make my dream come true. Here are some obstacles I had to overcome in my past with previous school experinces I have had to return back to school. When I was younger, I remember my mom waking my older brother up and sending him off to school. I would get so mad, because I wanted to go. Than finally my day came, I got up and off to school I went. Elementary school was the great. I loved playing with the other kids. Kindergarten through fifth grade made me feel like school was a game. Yeah, we learned our basic studies, but we had fun doing it. Than came time for moving on up to middle school. My first couple of weeks were okay, but the work started getting harder, the other kids weren’t very nice and we didn’t have much free time. I didn’t like it, but it was something I got used too and I stuck it out. Finally, my ninth year came, I was a freshman in high school. I hated it, I was always getting pushed around and made fun of because my family didn’t have much money. I didn’t have name brand shoes or clothes. Everybody kept telling me I needed an eduacation to get anywhere in this world. Well I tried, finally when I was seventeen, only six months before graduation, I got so fed up, I dropped out. Once I turned eighteen, I realized it was time to make a life of my own. My family shouldn’t have to support me. So I went out and found me a job. I was so proud of this job. I was doing good, or so I thought. After a few years of working for this company, I figured out I was already at the top of the ladder, I couldn’t go up anymore. I had to better my life. I needed a higher education. I got it in my head and went and got my GED. Than once again my learning process stopped right there. Out of the blue one day, my mom calls and tells me about these online college courses. She knew I didn’t I didn’t want to go sit in a classroom. This struck some interest in me. It took me a few days, but I called and got enrolled. When I started my first class, I was a bit nervous, it took sometime to get back into the swing of things. I’m still somewhat nervous but it gets better with each class. Going back to school was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Well, it took the longest time anyway. I am so glad I decided to go back. Being back at school makes me feel so much better about myself. This is one thing I won’t quit again.

Friday, September 27, 2019

College Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

College Degree - Essay Example We all know that a college degree has multiple usages. For example; KNOWLEDGE The major benefit of being a graduate is the intellectual knowledge one achieves which all in all gives us a better understanding of the world. It helps us understand ourselves and our purpose in this world and gives us a better sense of conciseness, helps us explain and defend our beliefs and ideas. When we are educated we understand each other better and make rational decisions based on informed and clear ideas. SELF-CONFIDENCE There is more than achieving knowledge and wisdom to being a college graduate. We gain self-confidence, while attending college and opting for different courses, we not only develop a good understanding in those courses but we also gain confidence. Some colleges insert more pressure on building up confidence in their students because it is a way towards teaching them how to deal in their professional lives. You are not only becoming a better educated person rather you are learning how to progress in your life because now you know that you possess the knowledge and skill that are very important for success. PROFESSIONALISM In college we learn valuable skills that we apply in our professional lives. We also learn how to utilize our skills and information how to identify and rectify issues and problems. It also helps us learn how to work in a group of people and with their diversities and how to critically think and find solutions to the problems. These abilities are one of the highly-v alued skills in today’s labor market. BETTER HEALTH A survey shows that people who are well-educated and graduates are normally healthier than people who earn only high school diplomas. The reason is that when you are employed you can afford a better health care and also because you are also more knowledgeable and informed about healthy diets and exercise. Studies show that people who actively use their minds live longer lives and are less prone to developing diseases like Alzheimer and dementia because they use their minds in their professional and personal lives. POWER TO EARN According to a survey, people with college degrees earn more than the people with only high school diplomas, though there are a few exceptions in that case. According to the U.S Census Bureau, an individual with a college degree earns about $2.1 million over his/her life time. One only with an average High school diploma will earn about $1.2 million. If someone has an advanced degree then he/she will have an even higher income over their lifetime. If a person has a master’s degree then he/ she will earn about $2.5 million, one with a doctoral degree will earn about $3.4 million however, one with a professional degree will earn $4.4 million. These are the few out of many advantages

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Case Against Physicalism By Jacky Chang Assignment

The Case Against Physicalism By Jacky Chang - Assignment Example While there are many arguments against physicalism, the largest and most consistent one seems to be that of consciousness, intellect, freedom of choice, and all the qualities that make a human being fully human. The physicalist reasoning relies too heavily on reduction thinking. They define physical as either being expressed in physical terms or else in the broad sense as being anything that is part of a physical system or process. In this way, they reduce all beingness to a matter of physical nature. In fact, there are non-physical things. Alter(2005) uses Descartes’ argument, that phenomenal consciousness is not physical due to the fact that one can conceive of the body as well as the mind independently of each other, therefore, phenomenal consciousness is neither functional nor physical, to prove that we have a fully conscious mind and a fully present body. According to physicalists, all knowledge is a mental function of learning by processes involving the five senses. How, then, can we account for human intuition, experiential knowledge and the sense of general knowingness that comes with the journey of life? According to Alter(2005), human intuition and knowingness are justifiable by reason alone, with no empirical evidence needed; we don’t intentionally learn everything, How does the physicalist account for freedom of choice? Melynk (2007) uses the argument that choice cannot be free as it refers to a causal agent or, in the case of theism, a supposed intentional agent that predesigned or had prior knowledge of that choice. Yet, Goetz and Taliaferro(2007) argue that choice is not causal or determined, but rather a function of our conceptual and intentional qualities, which in reality are abstract forms and therefore non-physical objects. How can the qualities that make us fully human be explained in physicalist terms? Melnyk(2007).

People in Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

People in Religion - Essay Example Senior Tibetan monks receive information during meditation which helps them to track down the new Dalai Lama. They have an indication of who is going to be the next Dalai Lama and after verification through their secret set of criteria, they take him away. Familiarity with the same possessions of the previous Dalai Lama is considered a confirmation of the reincarnation. The reincarnation takes place a few years after the death of the previous Dalai Lama. A Dalai Lama has a short lease of life as a childhood before he is taken away from the family and plunged into endless ceremonies and an intensive education (Richardson, 1962). Dalai means ocean and Lama is the Sanskrit equivalent of Guru and hence Dalai Lama means a spiritual teacher (Wikipedia). The present Dalai Lama was educated in Lhasa in a 1000-room palace surrounded by doting monks who educated him in subjects like philosophy, medicine and metaphysics (NYTimes, 2007). Although the present Dalai Lama is defined by his Tibetan identity his roots were firmly anchored in reality (Chopra, 2001). He believes that all human beings have an equal right to happiness and freedom from suffering but money should not be a part of the definition of success and happiness (Dalailama, 2006). The world is undergoing transformation and the Dalai Lama emphasizes that one way of being diligent is to pursue knowledge. The freedom campaign that he is pursuing is based on non-violence. One must always maintain truth because that alone will fill a person with a sense of pride. Dalai Lama is an advocate of non-violence and believes the truth, courage and determination should be the weapons for liberation (CNN, 2001). Dalai Lama is considered the most skilled and successful of all religious leaders; he is tolerant and informed and can enchant anyone at the very first instance but he is intent upon forcibly subjecting the world to its law. Religion and history are not separated from one another in the Tibetan world view, nor

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Economic book summery on the book not a Drop to drink by ken Midkiff Essay

Economic book summery on the book not a Drop to drink by ken Midkiff - Essay Example Outstanding examples are the Ogallala river that extends from Nebraska to the Texas panhandle (Midkiff, 22), the Colorado River {â€Å"once a mighty, roaring river† (Midkiff, 9)} and the Rio Grande river, all of which fizzle out into arid river beds before they reach they designated destination – the Gulf of Mexico. Midkiff endorses the intensity of the problem by explaining more about one of these 3 rivers - the Ogallala - calling the area on its banks as â€Å"quite literally the nation’s bread basket† and warning that areas like Dumas {population 13,000} will run out of water from the Ogallala in 30 years’ time (Midkiff, 28). The second cause is water contamination. Midkiff describes how water from taps in Atlanta is so contaminated that it has to be boiled to become fit for human consumption. The main reason is pollution and fresh water depletion that has permitted salt water to enter into areas it has never flowed (Midkiff 61). The shortage of fresh water depletion automatically negates a possible solution to reduce depletion of aquifers by pumping fresh water into them (Midkiff, 152). The third cause is wrong choice of crops and wrong encouragement of such choice. Midkiff points out that whereas about 50% of the U.S. population were engaged in the agricultural profession in the early 1900s, that number has dwindled to just 1% at present (Midkiff, 36). While also blaming growing of crops like soya beans, corn and wheat on lands where irrigation is fed by depleting aquifers (Midkiff, 52), he heaps heavy blame on the â€Å"water guzzling† rice crop (Midkiff, 50), saying rice is a wrong crop choice as it needs a huge amount of water. For example, in Central Valley, California, rice has largely contributed to the water shortage; the Valley, once previously a desert, blossomed with agricultural abundance brought about by the supply of underpriced water as a result of old

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Investments Between Qatar and South Korean Governments in Oil & Gas Essay

Investments Between Qatar and South Korean Governments in Oil & Gas Industry and Others - Essay Example The 1970s’ oil and economic boom did play a very central role in promoting the economic growth of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The enormous revenues so derived from the exportation of oil and natural gas saw these countries make immense investments in both infrastructure and development. Such investment necessitated a labor force that surpassed the countries’ local supply (Commercial Bank of Qatar 1). Although this deficiency in labor force can be attributed to the small indigenous populace in these countries, the situation was worsened by the fact that a majority of the citizens hardly qualified for the required tasks. This saw through overseas experts being called upon to remedy the situation. Moreover, with the subsequent expansion in the industry, Qatar and South Korea have become destinations for expats in search of employment. This has a result seen the two countries enter into joint infrastructural and development ventures (COP18/CMP8 1). Literature Review Qatar is a small peninsular country located in the Persian Gulf. This notwithstanding, the country has in the past emerged as a partner of not only the United States- and more especially in hosting major military facilities of the United States- but also with other countries the likes of South Korea. Statistics have indicated that Qatar is the third largest holder of natural gas reserves in the world, with an estimated reserve capacity of 896 trillion cubic feet. Besides, its small citizenry has seen the nationals enjoy the global highest per capita income. Shaykh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar has been able to manage a course of the principal economic growth (Expo 2012 1). After replacing his father, limited political liberalization has taken place under the leadership of The Emir. It is however worth noting that Shaykh has seen through several projects capitalizing on the country’s hydrocarbon resources with such benefits as improvements in the educational opp ortunities for the Qatar nationals and economic diversification being realized (SWF 1). In 1999, the state-owned oil company, Qatar Petroleum, increased its crude oil production to 824 000 barrels per day from 593000 barrels per day. By 2012, crude oil production by the company is at 730000 barrels per day. Nevertheless and owing to the fact that there are likelihoods of oil reserves becoming exhausted in the event that the current production rate remain unchanged, Qatar has rapidly moved to the exploitation of the vast natural gas reserve so as to meet the demands of its importers who include South Korea, Singapore and Japan (Williams 1). And as part and parcel of the country’s long-term development strategy, Qatar has tapped international financial markets and entered into investment with countries like South Korea. The country has also invited foreign investment in the recent past in an effort to finance the expansion of its gas extraction and liquefied natural gas product ion facilities. Apart from partnering with the South Korean government in the oil and gas industry, Qatar through Qatar Holding LLC did sign a memorandum of understanding with the Korean ministry of land,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Our task is to research Google and discover at least 5 technologies Essay

Our task is to research Google and discover at least 5 technologies they have developed (or are currently developing), other tha - Essay Example This paper analyses five latest technologies or business developed or developing by Google other than search engine and advertising. Google's Self-Driving Cars â€Å"Google's self-driving cars have absolutely nothing to do with Google's core business, and Google has never even tried to explain how they're going to make money. They push technology forward. They could make people's lives better in real, tangible ways† (Rosoff, 2012). Even though the concept of self-driven cars is proposed by many people in the past, nobody has shown the courage to develop technologies needed for such cars. It should be noted that no prominent automobile companies came forward with a self-driven car yet even though they are spending billions of dollars for the development of environmental friendly vehicles. Google on the other hand thought differently and introduced world’s first self-driven car recently. There are plenty of physically handicapped people in this world who are unable to dri ve their vehicles. Self-driven vehicles would definitely help such people immensely. It is difficult for such people to rely the services of drivers all the time. For example, if the driver is not staying with them, it is difficult for them to go to hospital or any other places in nights or in emergency situations. Google’s self-driven cars may provide a perfect answer to the problems of physically handicapped people. ... The second advantage of the self-driven cars is the reduced incidents of accidents. Since self-driven cars are operated or driven by the machines, man made errors may not cause any accidents while traveling in such vehicles. It should be noted that a substantial portion of the vehicle accidents are taking place because of careless driving. Self-driven vehicles do not need the supervision of the human and hence the possibility of mistakes is very less. There are certain disadvantages also while using self-driven vehicles. Since self-driven vehicles are fully operated by the machines, the chances of mechanic problems and fatal errors in decision making cannot be ruled out. For example, if the front and back sensors of the self-driven vehicles are not functioning properly, the possibility of accidents may increase. It is not necessary that the computers used in the self-driven vehicles may have the intelligence to take error free decisions all the time. Human intelligence is superior to artificial intelligence. In other words, the creator will always superior to his creations. Under such circumstances, there is no guarantee for accident free driving while using machine controlled vehicles. There is nothing ethically wrong in using self-driven vehicles. However, it should not be forgotten that machines are gradually increasing its influence upon human life. Increased dependence machine for the sustainment of human life may not bring the good in the long run. At the time of driving human is developing some skills. Decision making skills and problems solving skills are also developed by drivers while driving. Self-driven vehicles may deprive such skill development opportunities to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Extended Trial Balance Essay Example for Free

Extended Trial Balance Essay The extended trial balance works in very much the same way as the trial balance except that there are a few adjustments to make after which you can then separate out the entries that belong to the balance sheet and which belong to the income statement. The extended trial balance is used for making adjustments to the accounts at the end of an accounting period. The reason for this is because of the matching principle of accounting, where revenues are matched with expenses in the accounting period in which they were incurred; adjusting entries need to be made. These adjusting entries account for such things as expenses that have been incurred but not yet paid, revenues that have been earned but not yet recorded, and depreciation on equipment. Using the extended trial balance also ensures that the full double entry method is used correctly to each adjustment without having the wait for the adjustments to be written into the ledger Example of extended The picture shows that company have made a profit of $3,500 and also the document is ready for the end of the accounting period. However, if the columns above did not equal, the company would have to look to see what error has been made. In the picture you can see extended trial balance with the adjustments and extended figures made and the totals of the columns show to agree. If you are an accountant and you will be using this extended trial balance, you will be able to calculate whether the company has made profit or a loss. From this picture, you can also see that the accountant set up extended trial balance and added the adjustments which included salaries expenses, accounts receivable and revenue. When the adjustments were made the total for each pair of columns (debit and credit) should equal each other which have shown to be true in the table.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Easy Jet Competitive Advantage Tourism Essay

Easy Jet Competitive Advantage Tourism Essay Easy jet which is having Mission statement as to provide our customers the safe journey,good worth,point to point air service and to offer a reliable and consistent product and fares appealing to leisure and business markets on a range of european routes and to achieve this will increase our peoples and estabilish lifelong relation ship.this mission statement is clearly saying that wat they want and we will get in to this case study and find out how easyjet get into this position and where it is now and where it is going what it should do with the following analysis given below, Is market positioning enough to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in this industry? To analyse this activities we will use Porters Five Force analysis and SWOT and PEST analysis of this industry and we will check the value chain and competitive scope of this Easy Jet. The overall analysis will give the clear conclusion that its profitable factors and to be continued in same manner and to develop to get grow in the future. Strategy: It is defined as an alternative chosen to make happen a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Art and science of planning and marshalling resources for their most efficient and effective use. The term is derived from the Greek word (Stratigos) for general ship or leading an army. (www. Macro environment: Major external and uncontrollable factors that influence an organizations decision making, and affect its performance and strategies. These factors include the economic, demographics, legal, political, and social conditions, technological changes, and natural forces. 2. Factors that influence a companys or products development that are outside of the companys control. For example, the macro environment could include competitors, changes in interest rates, changes in cultural tastes, or government regulations. ( PESTLE ANALYSIS: PEST analysis is the tool to measure the marketing environment, and its looking the external factors of the airline industry. First we analysis the present situation of easy jet. Politico legal factors: Politico legal factors is The political and legal environment consists of government agencies, laws and the pressure groups which influence. In some situation the law also create new opportunities for starts the new business. The two important trends in the political-legal environment are to increase the growth of special interest groups and the business legislation (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.171). The Easy Jet had the political problem in Switzerland due to the delay of flights to the various cities. The basic problem for these incidents is given below.The EasyJet flights are flies into Basel and Geneva airports but with a dismal on-time record, according to status of the The online websites that tracks that the 20 most active routes for the carrier, but the Easy Jet planes from Geneva to London to be schedule about half of the time, It is the average delay of 74 minutes. Flights from London to Geneva are mismatch in its schedule by 31% of the time, and its the average delays of 38 minutes. The worst route for being on time between Palma Mallorca to Geneva, by these 82 per cent of the flights are late, according to flight stats. At no time did the company want to have such delays, said Jean-Marc Thà ©venaz, general director. We regret the situation. To help fix the problem, Thà ©venaz said that the company had decreased the number of flights during certain periods. We are trying to create some timeslots during the day when we fly less so as to be able to juggle our planes around to minimize delays, he said. He added that the company also has an extra plane on the ground in Britain that could be assigned to stay in Geneva. European Union is enlarging in the east. Its a right time the Easy Jet will increase the new market in the Eastern Europe. UK government going to increase the tax coming year .so it will affect the low cost and no frills approach. Economy factors: The available purchasing power in an economy depends on prices, current incomes, savings, credit availabilities and debts. Marketers must pay careful attention to trends affecting purchasing power, because they can have a strong impact on business (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.163). Easy Jet shares had fell up-to 7% on the last month for the fears over crewing issues. Carolyn McCall, who joined as chief executive from Guardian Media Group at the start of this month, said Easy Jet would seek to address the staffing problems, with a focus on flight delays at Gatwick airport. Douglas McNeill, said the crewing problems were worrying and we know theyve developed a problem, But we wont know the causes and the long-term costs of fixing it until November. From the volcanic ash problem the company had paid  £36m as compensation. The company had lost their estimated sales and its cost around  £29m. Easy jet said It was disappointed with the decision by the UK government not to compensate losses related to the ash cloud, which forced Easy Jet to cancel 7,314 flights. Easy Jet revenues for last three months are 5.3% to  £759m and the seats are flown up into 1.7 %. The Easy Jet peoples said It expected to make a pre-tax profit this year of between  £100m and  £150m at current exchange rates. Share Price of Easy Jet Figure: Chart of easy jet share price for last three months From my analysis the company must be on-time performance and its needs to be better the numbers staff can be improved. Sometimes it may spoil the good name, goodwill, reputation and the image of easyGroup. Socio-Cultural factors: Society shapes the values, beliefs and norms that largely define consumer tastes and preferences. People absorb, almost unconsciously, a worldview that defines their relationship to themselves, to others, to organisations, to society, to nature, and to the universe (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.171). Easyjet had a problem in the social and cultural factors. The company has various approaches to selling the air tickets through online and telephonic rather than agencies. German and France peoples are dont have much interested to use online and telephonic ticket booking and also they dont like to use credit cards and debit cards in internet booking. So the company is having difficulty to achieve the target of sale. Most of the people expecting to fly in cheap and friendly fare when we giving advertisement in newspaper like family package and also giving low cast fare  £10 per person. Technological factors One of the most dramatic forces shaping peoples lives in technology. Every new technology is a force for creative destruction. The number of major new technologies we discover affects the economys growth rate (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.169 ). Easy Jet had design the new devise to fix in the tail. Around 100km the device can detect the ash clouds. The cost of  £1m is spent by the company to develop and test the technology. Airbus is the leading manufacturer of aircrafts. The company hopes to fix the devise to all their aircrafts. It can be implemented by next year. The AVOID Airborne Volcanic Object Identifier and Detector technology is designed to work like the weather detection systems already in use for spotting thunderstorms. A lightweight infrared device would provide images to both the pilots and an airlines flight control centre, enabling pilots to see an ash cloud at altitudes between 5,000 feet and 50,000 feet. In the volcanic ash problem all the airline industries are lost more than one billion US dollars and the relevant business to the airline companies are lost twice the amount like tourist hotels, cabs, and airport authorities. In the volcanic eruption the flights are damaged massively. We have understood the basic problem of the aircrafts during the time of ash clouds. The companies are monitoring the problem of ash clouds through the satellites. But its not enough to prevent the aircraft at the time of eruption. So the aircraft companies are ready to spend millions and millions of amount to solving this problem. According to the statement of ESA (European Space Agency) from the period 1982 to 2000 the volcanic ash clouds can damage more than 100 aircrafts by average of 65 volcanic eruptions by each and every year. Around 250 m US dollar can be estimated as a loss for the airlines industries from last 25 years. The basic problem of the volcanic ash is that can be containing so many raw particles (eg glass, rocks and other relatively large objects) can damage the propeller of the jet. It can be easily affect the engine to stop immediately. Then it can damaged the sensitive parts of the aircrafts (eg clog its sensors, limit the view of its pilots, and severely scratch, or sandblast, cockpit windows, landing light covers and parts of the tail and wings). These damages are found by ESA through the satellites. Technologically Easy Jet is in the right place to develop the new trends but it can lacking to implement the technology in the aircraft maintenances. External environment: Conditions, entities, events and factors surrounding an organization which influence its activities and choices, and determine its opportunities and risks. Also called operating environment.( Easy Jet Airline Company Limited: Strengths: Easy Jet is a leading provider of low budget, no frills air travel servicing many of the leading city destinations in the UK and across Europe, including Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, and Prague. They offer a high quality service at competitive prices and offer a number of features including ticketless travel, internet booking and assisted travel services.They have a highly distinctive livery on their fleet of aircraft making them easily recognisable and distinguishing them from their competitors. They have a user friendly website which fully discloses the price breakdown of the passengers planned travel. Offering a full breakdown of the price plan prevents any hidden charges when the customer confirms there booking. Easy Jet offers an online promotion alert which is e-mailed to existing customers and contact on the companys database. It is recognised as a leading brand name in the UK travel industry. As a market leader in an industry widely seen as a leading contributor to the green house effect and global warming, Easy Jet actively embrace there environmental responsibilities and continue to keep these factors as a keep priority when developing their future strategies. Easy Jet operate a fast and efficient service with an average turnaround time of 30 minutes or below. This enables them to maintain a reliable and hassle free service to their passengers. Weaknesses: Domestic air travel is an extremely competitive industry with EasyJets main competitors being Jet2, BMI Baby, Ryan Air plus a host of smaller independent competitors. These external competitive forces can restrict and shape pricing policy on some of EasyJets less profitable routes as they seek to compete with their competitors. They do not offer a free food service on longer flights of 2 hours plus. Opportunities: It might possible for an opening of alternative routes to major cities in Europe. A key route could be from Dublin to the UK, as this has a large potential for travellers going to soccer matches in the UK plus new links into corporate flyers to and from the UK. Offering of free refreshments on flights with a travel time of over two and a half hours. This would offer an extra perk and comfort to passengers making their experience with EasyJet all the more comfortable and enjoyable. Updated versions of the fly on the wall documentaries would provide the brand with more coverage and publicity. Threats: Competitors flying the same routes compete very competitively on price forcing pressure on margin on more popular flights and time slots. External market forces can have a significant impact on Easy Jets business, e.g. the rising cost of oil can have a significant impact on running costs putting significant pressure on the profitability of less popular routes and time slots. Pressure from unions and employee relations committees can significantly impact on the day to day operations with strikes proving to be very costly to the companys image. Economic downturn may lead to a decrease in casual flyers and corporate travel as companies seek to curtail what they see as unnecessary expenditure and in turn make less business trips. Competitive advantage: Marketing mix is the most important factors in the marketing management. Every company is using the marketing mix to attract the customers and develop the company. Marketing success of a company is depends on how much marketing mix using Fairley to cover the customers. After several studies and research the classic 4ps of marketing mix has changed into 7Ps (by Booms Bitner). However the 4ps is still the most common model of the marketing mix. By the competitive advantage we analysis the Marketing mix. It contains 4Ps that Production, Price, Promotion and Place/Distribution. Easy Jet has been named the worlds best low cost airline in the annual World Airline Awards. Skytrax made a survey for 15million passengers by the period of 11 months. It is the world largest survey among the passengers. Its shown the star ranking of the airlines and quality of the airlines. Commenting on Easy Jets achievement, Skytrax CEO, Edward Plaisted, said: Low-cost does not need to, nor should it equate to, low-quality service. Easy Jet is clear testament that low-cost operations can be delivered with a good standard of customer care and passenger service quality with their level of customer loyalty clearly demonstrating a winning formula. No-Frills, point to point air services We can hire the car from the website of Easy Jet and we can access the hotels and apartments from their websites. Place / distribution: Place /distribution refers to how the product gets to the buyer; for instance, point-of-sale assignment or retailing. This third P has furthermore at times been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold. The easy jet websites has targeted the customers those are not willing to get the tickets through agencies or third parties. The company policies are not allowed the intermediates to raise the actual price up to 20 percent to 30 percent as a commission. So the passengers do not know the actual price of the ait ticket. The company is targeted the passengers are saving the money as well as the time. The Easy Jet websites provides the customers very easy to access. Easy booking accommodation Flight schedule Cab booking And other transportation Likewise the company has provides the customers are easily book their tickets through telephone. There are unique packages for the business peoples which is having the special selection on their websites. The option is B2B-Business to Business transaction which can be indicates in the EasyJet website. Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, including promotional education, publicity, and individual selling. Branding refers to the assorted strategies of promoting the product, brand, or company. Media advertising- Pulsed, pioneering, competitive or product oriented. Comparative ads disrupt consumers beliefs re competitors. Creative campaigns create controversy, shift perceptions change rules of the game. Personal selling- Although needed, is seen as less important for destabilizing in turbulent market. Public relations- Less important, but small PR activities can nudge system towards destabilization. Sales promotions- If used with price, can be effective/destabilizing. Minor, but unusual promotions/ changes lead to major impacts. More effective than adverts inturbulent markets. Word of mouth -Very important influence-the-influencer promos. Spread info re new, amazing aspects of product. Use multiplier channels like Internet, discussion groups. Aggressive use of promotions-Aggressive use enables trends to be nudged advantage to be taken of turbulence. Speed of change- To be unusual surprising, campaigns must be short-term, changed frequently. Importance -Important to manage via nudge effect, but less effective for major changes. It is a decision of how best to communicate the product to target audience and how to persuade them to buy it (Lovelock, Patterson and Walker, 1996). No marketing program can succeed without an effective communication program. This component plays three vital roles: providing needed information and advice, persuading target customers of the merits of a specific product, and encouraging them to take action at specific times (Lovelock and Wright, 2002). Easy Jet achieved the target of 500 routes in 15 years. The company crossed 300 million passengers are live in the airports in an hour. The growth ratio of the company is increased by 10 percent while compare to the previous year. The Easy Jet is the leading low-price airlines in the European airlines industries. The advertisement strap line is Size Matters!And Its slogan is The Webs favourite airline. Their approach is called No-nonsense approach like humorous. ( Conclusion: Easy Jet need to consider regarding responding to new entrants by the segments or considering competition based on price, services, and routes that gives an advantage to keep new entries outside the market. By considering the current market trends a perfect strategy to be planned based on the marketing mix.   To discriminate the brand sustain on development lines, the company can implement a CRM (cause related marketing) offers, manage its accessibility of being a caring airlines. And by providing travelers a sense of psychological comfort and well-being while they selecting to fly by Easy Jet. On overall, Easy Jet needs to develop the accurate and realistic to serve the passengers.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The price of eggs inflation in Thailand

The price of eggs inflation in Thailand The case of egg price. The price of eggs in Thailand is important in price .The price of eggs in Thailand is high and is up and down in year. This problem of an import have resulted in small farms having problems for many years. This similar problem exists throughout the economic system, but the Egg became an issue because Thailand is unique in measuring the prime minister with the egg. In every year the price of eggs to be effective lack of a capital ,equal capital and get profit in year. The case of egg price and injustice in Thailand. The main problems about egg prices are up because the quota pushed up the price of breed stock and small farmers had to rely on large corporations for their breed stock and also the food for the entire stock. With the corporations also in the Chicken and egg business, small farmers are squeezed out of the business, and the maximum temperature has risen, which is far higher than at the same time last year. The ideal temperature is 28-30C effect to hens stressful and less productive and lack of clean water in some areas has also caused the hens to become ill and lay fewer eggs. The period of the year in Thailand when it is not so hot and rainy ,the high cost of chicken feed is also a factor, In addition egg prices are up because the price of young chicks has almost doubled. From The price of eggs in Thailand is high effect to the food sellers have to carry the burden of rising prices of eggs as they continue to cook food for customers. If the government does not resolve this problem, all sellers in the market will have to increase the price of an egg. The government should try to support the farmers. Egg prices have been go up Other governing bodies must address farmers complaints because they are under the influence and control of large business groups The quota pushed up the price of breed stock and small farmers had to rely on large corporations for their breed stock and also the food for the entire stock. With the corporations also in the Chicken and egg business, small farmers are squeezed out of the business I admit, I was lost. For a few days there on my True cable TV-I thought I was in an egg and chicken land. OK-normally, True like runs these CP Farm infomercial boosting all the time. Like you know it-if you have True and in Thailand-you are now an expert of CP Farms, ready to tell anyone that CP Farms is the best run farm on the planet-with very high tech and also extremely environmental friendly. If that is not more-like CP going to Singapore to stage a major Food who can eat the most of CP festival-broadcasting back into Thailand-like wow, who would not be impressed. Well, Matichon, a newspaper here in Thailand is not all that impressed. So Im read Matichons story on the Thai Egg Index and then came to understand why True cable TV-was going ballistic with egg and chicken related story-sort of became the CPs Cable TV Index on eggs and chicken. The price of eggs in Thailand is important-in that the price is an Index of the skill of the government in managing the Thai economy. It is called The Egg Price Index. While Thailands economy is expected to expand about 6% this year-most poll when they ask the Thais about the economy-have been and continues to say that The Economy is Deteriorating. Perhaps, one reason is because egg price has sky-rocket in Thailand-like never before-hitting the highest price in some 10 years. Literally speaking, this is big news in Thailand-where the food of the poorer Thais-are mainly fried and boiled eggs. The following article points to agricultural conglomerate-and in fact the article points to CP, Thailand largest agricultural conglomerate as one problem for small Thai course, supports the government of Abhisit-and is extremely anti-red shirt, who are mostly poor Thais in poor regions. But I saw it with my own eyes, on True cable TV that belongs to CP-running this news and that about eggs and chicken-over and over-going to interview this expert and that expert-saying pretty much that CP did nothing wrong. Meanwhile, Prachachart newspaper and others-did very much what Thai Intel did a few week back-in exposing the Thai banking industry as un-justly keeping the bank spread and fees extremely high-hurting businesses and consumers. To put it simply, the banking industry was raking in the profit for the past few years-as everyone suffered in Thailand. Then off course the Bangkok Post group-where Bangkok Bank biggies sits at the board and owns the company-saying very little-like exactly like True going We are all good guys here. Well, even giving True and the Bangkok Post group-does this two cases Eggs and Banks points to a rise of   Farmers Rights and Consumers Rights in Thailand Association president is confident in situation, that price of eggs is normally in soon. He disclose cause price of eggs increase owing to agriculturist to encounter drought and high weather ,it have high temperature is abnormal about 43-44 Celsius when compare with period of time in last year temperature for feed chicken is only 28-30 Celsius, it cause hen eat low food, percent layer of hen is decrease and size of egg is small. Egg prices increase because price of young chicks had increased from 17 to 18 baht almost 30 baht each in six months, hen was sold for meat after late  about 300 eggs. In addition lack of clean water in some areas caused the hens to become ill and lay fewer eggs, so productivity is decrease too and now agriculturist to encounter epidemic in hen is infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). In last winter productivity get damages and then we would like reminders agriculturists strict in prophylaxis. This is a big issue and the Prime Minister has receive many complaints from the public. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is vow to tackle the rising price of chicken eggs and create a more balanced pricing system to consumers satisfy and egg producers. Mr Abhisit said during his radio and television programmed he received many complaints about the rising price of eggs and he is trying to solve the problem urgently.  The price of eggs is seen a prime reflector of a governments efficiency in control the price of consumer goods.   In 3 years ago agriculturists over lose because eggs is inflation. Government is not impertinent in this problem cause of problem from chronic avian influenza in the last year and assembly with low price and drought problem, so that government intervene in order to control of the situation, chicken feeder association President Announcements by the Egg Development Policy Committee to solve the problem price of eggs will be as follows : to control import of breeding hens, extend the breeder hens age, ask for cooperation store for decrease capital of packing because the price of eggs in plastic or paper package at retailer Tesco-Lotus is higher, 10 eggs in a plastic package costs 65 baht, averaging 5 baht each. The Commerce Ministry will ask operators of superstores for cooperation in reduce the cost of egg packages in order to reduce egg prices., decrease egg export and long term policy adjustment in purchase of breeding hens but Mrs. Khampa (Egg Board) not agree because not the correct way to resolve the problem of decrease export that may result overrun of quality of eggs in the market, it so have long problem and stop the rule to buy from 9 fixed suppliers. The cost of farmer will then lower, so solving problem must solving all system from the beginning to finish or until price of machine. Cabinet ministrys meeting has approved the import breeder hens freely to solve the issue of high price of eggs, then people who want to import permit from the Department of Livestock has all to avoid monopoly. The Cabinet ministrys that in 1-2 years, the management of the Development Committee and egg products is error. From the reduction of import breeder hens. And fix the right of the import. It results in fluctuation in price of the guidelines to the Cabinet ministrys Egg Board will need to create stability and fairness to all farmers. Past years import quota of breeder chickens from beginning is 400000 have decrease every year. Resulted in a shortage of breeding, therefore the Egg Board supervision. Hen-Egg Farmers Association president Manoch Chootubtim said layer-hen farmers rising costs of production and feed meal grew more expensive. If government is only concern about the increase in egg prices, layer-hen farmers, particularly small-scale ones, will soon collapse and close the industry. Moreover, the Egg Board and the Department of Livestock will form a working group with Kasetsart University to improve the management of breeding hen import quota and set the quota for 2011. The study will concluded within 60 days. Department of Internal Trade director-general Watcharee Wimooktayon revealed that the eggs sold under the Blue Flag project has been distribute for purchase in retail throughout Thailand.The ministry has increased the number of eggs under the cost-saving Blue-Flag project by 100,000, from the original 400,000, to meet public demand. Up to 500,000 affordable eggs will be distribute through 560 outlets of the Blue-Flag project nationwide Ovaparox is produced from wheat fraction can replace up to 50 per cent of eggs in sweet bakery products.Ovaparox has a shelf life of 18 months from date of manufactures.Ovaparox can replace up to50 per cent of egg in cake it not effect to quality, taste bake volume or shelf-life Many factors cause increased egg prices and avian flu, drought, and ineffective management of egg production. Weather conditions affecting the business produce more eggs. This year, Sung low temperature up to 44 degrees Celsius higher than last year very Optimum temperature should be 28-30 degrees Celsius. Heat a large increase in this The chicken and yield less stressful in some places lack clean water and a sick chicken. And a few eggs. And other serious problems that make egg production is to reduce the number of outbreaks of infectious bronchitis virus. In many chicken farms in the summer last year. That this epidemic. Result in chickens and eggs. Unhealthy and low quality. The virus infection in chickens has spread rapidly affecting the kidneys and lungs freckles because war nama Map In addition to chicken, eggs, low productivity caused by high temperatures and then. Meal cost is another factor. That the egg prices higher as well. The survey found that the market of food Increase the burden of low support price five eggs from normal. government can not solve the problem if egg prices high in the early days, they need to add eggs to the menu price Bath 7-8, or some operators. May need to reduce support for eggs. Which affect the cost increases for customers. Female traders selling sugar and desserts that use eggs as an ingredient. Also directly affected. Some allow losses. Original retail price, some turn to chickens, eggs in the family itself. Rather than bought eggs from the market. And eggs can divide the remaining neighbors selling eggs at Bath 3 a vehicle to earn well in this Secondly is the FT Minister vowing to resolve price increase in chicken eggs and a balanced pricing system satisfactory egg production and consumption. Mr said during his weekly radio and television yesterday, he received numerous complaints about price increases in the eggs and they are trying to solve urgent problems. Egg prices will see a performance culture that reflects the importance of the government to control prices of consumer goods. Prime Minister confirmed he will find the balance between egg production and prices need to provide fair prices for consumers. Ministry of Agriculture has proposed a meeting of the Policy Committee and egg products to the Cabinet note the approach egg problem. On a short-term measures such as measures to extend the chickens eggs hens egg release cage standing out at least four weeks for the eggs to the market volume increases average 1.2 million eggs per day. Egg suspend exports. As well as for cooperation in the farm price of eggs per page, etc. 2.80 Bath. Measures of the Board Layer development policies and products (Egg Board) that measures three phases. 1. Immediate measures. Egg prices have accelerated the decline. Extended hens eggs And reduced export 2. The Commission to study structures that are related to the management of the problem of eggs has risen by 60 days and 3. Long-term measures is to adjust the breeder That are not specific and do not agree that the government reduce the egg. This may cause long term problems and the last farmers market eggs decreased chickens for eggs karma. And I suggested to the government should provide farmers each own areas for breeding should not be exclusive to the nine companies that if agricultural chickens. Egg itself is cost reduction. The source problem. Breeder layer caused no quality If the government does not meet the problem. Egg problem may inundate low price and asked the government to deposit the check around. If you plan to resolve any Not to affect farmers who earn less. The eggs will need to solve problems and systems. From source to destination Person or from plant materials used for animal feed Maize and broken rice price breeders include the cost of farmers. Will solve only part of farmers can not

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Rose For Emily Essay -- essays research papers

A Rose for Emily Emily’s Father   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout this story, the overbearing presence of Emily Grierson’s father is perhaps the greatest influence on her behavior. The story describes how Miss Emily’s father rejected her suitors by standing in front of her and aggressively clutching a horsewhip whenever the young men came to call. Without her fathers influence and overprotective behavior it is likely that Emily would have made one of her suitors her husband when she was still of suitable marrying age for that time period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Emily’s father died the women of the town called on her to offer their condolences and aid as was their custom when someone suffered a tragic loss. Emily met the ladies at the door and with no trace of emotion or grief on her face she sent them away explaining that her father was indeed alive and well. Emily kept this up for three days and finally gave in just as the townspeople were going to forcibly take the body from her. All of her life up until his death Emily’s father controlled her and made all of her decisions for her. When he died Emily was left alone finally able live her own life, but since her father had been controlling her for so long she wasn’t able to function without him. Since she wasn’t able to function without his presence Emily chose to live her life as if her father was still with her. She spent the majority of her time inside of her house because that was where she could b...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Three Marvins :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

The Three Marvins Marvin Lowery: I think the main things you have to look at in this case are; is Marvin a danger to himself, is he a danger to others in the workplace, what can you as a supervisor do to help the situation? It was stated in the brief that he has caused and accident due to carelessness. I think this proves that he is both a danger to himself and others. There is also the added concern of suicide. I think the best approach would be to talk to human resources about the types of counseling is available. You should also look into community groups that provide help for this specific type of situation. There are also religious organizations that help with bereavement, if applicable. When you have appropriate counselors and community services line up, I would then sit down with Mr. Lowery and discuss the situation. I would try to key in on the fact that you are concerned for Marvin. You know he is a good employee and you do not want to lose him. I would then present him with some options on coun seling. Make him aware of the fact that if he needs more time, that leave without pay is available. I would then reiterate your concern for his well being and that of his coworkers. Let him know that for any help he needs, that you are there for him. Your first concern is for his welfare. Marvin Fletcher I would set up a time to talk with Marvin. I would start off by stating the fact that he is a valued employee. You understand the difficulty he may be having with his children, because both he and his spouse works. I would then let him know that you cannot continuously adjust his schedule to accommodate this. If this is going to be as frequent as it has been then Mr. Fletcher will need to use his sick time and/or vacation time to make up for it. You might ask him whether it is possible for his wife to pick up the kids more often. Reiterate that you understand his situation but you have the rest of the department to think about as well. Note: Before you talk with Marvin you should look into whether flex time is feasible in your department.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Liquid Permeability of Porous Media

1. 0Summary This experiment is conducted to determine the liquid permeability of porous media. The apparatus used in the experiment is the liquid permeameter. The liquid used in this experiment is water. Three membrane samples of different thickness (0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 3 cm) are used as the porous media. The determination of the permeability is carried out using elevated pressure test. Each sample is tested for 5 times at different values of pressure gradient which are 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 psi.In order to obtain more accurate data, ensure that the membrane samples to be test is fixed tightly and covers the o-ring of the sample chamber completely. Values of volumetric flow rates are obtained from the apparatus itself. For pressure gradient of 5 psi and 30 psi, the average permeability for PP1 membrane sample are 0. 23993 cm2 @ 2. 33993? 10-5 m2 and 0. 096196 cm2 @ 9. 6196? 10-6 m2 respectively. For PP3 membrane sample, the average permeability are 0. 52692 cm2 and 0. 19841 cm2 for pressur e gradient of 5 psi and 30 psi.For PP5 membrane sample, the average permeability are 1. 0541 cm2 and 0. 29489 cm2 for pressure gradient of 5 psi and 30 psi. The values of permeability obtained are then compared by plotting graphs of volumetric flow rate over cross sectional (q/A) against pressure gradient over thickness (? P/L). The gradient of the straight line from the graph is  µ/k. For PP1 sample membrane, the permeability obtained from the graph is k= 0. 000148 m2 for ? P=5psi and k= 0. 000062 m2 for ? P= 30 psi.Permeability obtained from the graph is compared with ones obtained from the liquid permeameter apparatus. Reynolds number for the tests at ? P=5psi is 5. 3913? 10-5 and for ? P= 30 psi is 1. 1147? 10-4. Laminar flow conditions exist so that Darcy’s equation is applicable. 2. 0 Introduction When fluid flows through a medium, the flow is affected by the property of the medium that allows the flow of the fluid through it. The property of the medium is called perm eability. Permeability which is symbolized as k is the measure of the ability of a medium to transfer fluids.Permeability affects flow processes of fluids. An effective flow process can occur if the permeability of the medium where the fluids pass through is high. Concept of permeability is important in the oil and gas industry in which the permeability characteristic of rocks are determined in order to extract oil and gas from the subsurface reservoir. For example, sandstones are permeable and can transmit fluid effectively. This types of stones possessed large and many connected pores. They may content high quantity of oil.Shales and siltstones composed of fine grains and have less connected pores causing them to be less permeable or impermeable. Permeability of a medium can be easily determined from equipment with high technology. It is important to know the factors or component which may affect permeability in order to prove or increase the permeability. This might benefits the industry which involves extraction processes. Experimental results are important because to increase the efficiency of processes involving permeability it is dependent on the data or results. 3. 0 Aims/ObjectivesThe experiment is conducted to objective of this experiment is to determine the permeability of the porous media, to create conditions so that Darcy’s equation can be used and to compare the average permeability for different pressure gradient and types of tested samples as well as to relate permeability with various components of Darcy’s equation. 4. 0 Theory Permeability is property of the porous medium and is a measure of the ability of the medium to allow fluids to pass through it. Permeability concept is widely used to determine the flow characteristics of hydrocarbons  in  oil  and  gas  reservoirs.Medium or rocks that possess high permeability can allow fluids to pass through it in large quantity over time. This is indicated form high volumetri c flow rate. To quantify permeability, assume that there is a medium with cross-sectional area (A) and thickness (L). A fluid of dynamic viscosity ( µ) is allowed to flow through the medium. The change in pressure that occurs during the flow is ? P and the volumetric flow rate (q) is the amount of fluid that can flow through the medium over a period of time with respect to the ? P. Permeability (k) is related to all the components by the Darcy’s equation. Darcy’s equation: q=kA?P µL †¦.. (1) The SI unit for permeability, k is m2. Permeability is also measured in Darcy, D. 1 D is approximately 10-12m2. Factors affecting permeability are membrane solubility, pressure, concentration and temperature of the molecules or solutes. Permeability is also affected by size of the molecules of the fluids that passing through the medium. Darcy’s equation is valid for any Newtonian fluids and is only applicable for laminar flow. The laminar flow is always achieved by groundwater but not always achieved by gas flows. Laminar flow can be determined by computing the Reynolds number of the flow. Re= ? vD µ 5. 0 Apparatus i.Liquid permeameter apparatus ii. Liquid hose iii. Yellow chip pullers iv. Membranes of different thickness, 0. 1, 0. 2 and 0. 3 cm v. Water 6. 0 Procedures i. 3 membrane samples of different thickness (0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 3cm) are prepared. The samples are cut bigger than the o-ring so that they will cover the ring completely and to ensure perfect sealing. ii. The liquid hose attached to the sample chamber lid is disconnected. The lid is unscrewed and removed. The chamber insert and adapter plates are taken out. The o-rings is checked for dryness. iii. Under Group on the main CapWin menu, a new group is created by clicking on New Group. iv.Under Execute on the main CapWin menu, Autotest F2 is selected. Autotest settings screen is opened. Test Type is clicked and Liquid Permeametry is selected from the Test Selection box. Then, Elevat ed Pressure Test option is selected. v. At the Autotest screen, several information are keyed in. The fields are as below. Output File Name-user designated End User-user designated Test Reference-Liquid Permeametry; Elevated Pressure Test Sample ID-user designated Lot Number-user designated Operator-user designated Fluid-Water Surface Tension Diameter-3cm for all 3 samples Thickness-0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 3 cm vi. Done on the Autotest screen is clicked. ii. The screened adapter plate is placed in the bottom of the sample chamber. The plate is aligned on three chamber pins. The sample is placed on the top of the screened plate. The o-ring of the screened plate is checked so that it seals against the sample. Top adapter plate is place on the sample chamber. viii. The chamber insert is placed into the chamber. The insert should not be lower than the sample chamber height. ix. Start Test button is clicked. Starting pressure, maximum pressure, point step pressure, maximum wait between points and maximum number of points are keyed in. Continue button is clicked after each value has been entered. . Sample chamber is filled with water. The lid is screwed and hand-tightened. Liquid fill hose with quick connect fitting is attached to the sample chamber lid. xi. Click Ok on the Autotest screen and the test is started. xii. When the test has ended, a Test Done dialogue box appeared and clicked Ok. xiii. Test results may be viewed and analyzed using CapRep. Select Report from the main CapWin menu and clicked on Execute Report to access the data from the test. xiv. Steps (iii) to (xiii) are repeated for different pressure gradient (10, 15, 20, and 30) and two other samples with thickness 0. 2 cm and 0. 3 cm. 7. 0 ResultFor PP1 sample with diameter, d= 3cm and thickness, L= 0. 1cm. Differential Pressure (psi)| Average Permeability| 5| 0. 23993| 10| 0. 17461| 15| 0. 13315| 20| 0. 11792| 30| 0. 096196| For PP3 sample with diameter, d= 3cm and thickness, L= 0. 2cm. Differential Pressur e (psi)| Average Permeability| 5| 0. 52692| 10| 0. 36709| 15| 0. 33807| 20| 0. 26133| 30| 0. 19841| For PP5 sample with diameter, d= 3cm and thickness, L= 0. 3 cm. Differential Pressure (psi)| Average Permeability| 5| 1. 0541| 10| 0. 70806| 15| 0. 50627| 20| 0. 37001| 30| 0. 29489| 8. 0 Calculations i) PP1 sample with diameter, d= 3cm and thickness, L=0. cm at ? P= 5psi. From the plotted graph, q/A against ? P/L, a straight line obtained gives a gradient of 0. 148. From the gradient of graph, we can compute the permeability, k. Gradient = y2-y1x2-x1 = 4-127-6. 9 = 0. 148 Gradient = k µ 0. 148 = k0. 001 Pa. s , k = 0. 000148 m2 @ 1. 48? 10-4 m2 The permeability, k obtained from the CapWin software is 0. 23993 cm2 @ 2. 33993? 10-5 m2. ii) PP1 sample with diameter, d= 3cm and thickness, L=0. 1cm at ? P= 30psi. From the plotted graph, q/A against ? P/L, a straight line obtained gives a gradient of 0. 148. From the gradient of graph, we can compute the permeability, k.Gradient = y2-y1x 2-x1 = 12-6195-98 Gradient = k µ 0. 062 = k0. 001 Pa. s , k = 0. 000062 m2 @ 6. 2? 10-5 m2 The permeability, k obtained from the CapWin software is 0. 096196 cm2 @ 9. 6196? 10-6 m2. iii) Calculations of Reynolds number At ? P= 5 psi, q= 2. 5424? 10-6 m3/s, V= 1. 7971? 10-9m/s, ? =1000kg/m3 Re= ? VD µ=10001. 7971? 10-9(0. 03)0. 001= 5. 3913? 10-5 (laminar flow) At ? P= 30 psi, q= 5. 2564? 10-6 m3/s, V= 3. 7155? 10-9m/s, ? =1000kg/m3 Re= ? VD µ=10003. 7155? 10-9(0. 03)0. 001= 1. 1147? 10-4 (laminar flow) 9. 0 Discussion Permeability of PP1 sample membrane at ? P = 5 psi and ?P = 30 psi are k = 0. 23993 cm2 @ 2. 33993? 10-5 m2 and k = 0. 096196 cm2 @ 9. 6196? 10-6 m2 respectively. By plotting graphs of q/A against ? P/L, the compute permeability is 1. 48? 10-4 m2 at ? P = 5 psi and 6. 2? 10-5 m2 at ? P = 30 psi. The values are different as being compared. This might due to the different techniques involved in computing the values of permeability. The values from the liquid permea meter are more accurate as the values are computed as the test runs. Compared to the ones computed by plotting the graph, there might be some minor errors that make the values to be different from each other.Apart from that, the apparatus might not function effectively or might be having some problems. Besides that, the sample membranes used are the old ones. As they are often used for testing, this might change or alter their permeability values as they oftenly pass through by fluids. For the tests, laminar flows did occur. Laminar flow occurs at the region in which the points from the graph intersect the straight line plotted. For both ? P = 5 psi and ? P = 30 psi, laminar flow did occur. For ? P = 5 psi, the Reynolds number is 5. 3913? 10-5 which is representative for laminar flow. For ?P = 30 psi, the Reynolds number is 1. 1147? 10-4 which is also representative for laminar flow. For graph at ? P = 5 psi, there is only one point that intersects the straight line (best line of fi t) plotted. This is because the pressure gradient is low so there is not much data for permeability is acquired as the test runs. It is different for graph at ? P = 30 psi, there are several points that are intersect or join by the straight line plotted. As the pressure is elevated to 30 psi, there are many data obtained for permeability at different pressures as the pressure increasing to 30 psi.As laminar flow is proven to occur in the test, so Darcy’s equation can be used. From the Darcy’s equation, we can relate that permeability of a medium is directly proportional to volumetric flow rate, dynamic viscosity of fluid and thickness of medium and is inversely proportional to pressure gradient. For membrane sample PP1 with thickness of 0. 1 cm, we can see that the average permeability of the membrane is decreasing with increasing pressure gradient. This case occurs for other two membrane samples, PP3; thickness of 0. 2 cm and PP5; thickness of 0. 3 cm.Permeability dec rease as pressure gradient increase because the fluid, in this case water have to overcome certain pressure as they flow through the membrane samples. The pressure gradient acts as resistance to the flow. The higher the resistance, little or less fluid can flow through the medium over a given time. It is also shown that for the same pressure gradient by using membranes with different thickness, the average permeability is higher for sample which is thicker. The different between the three membrane samples is only the thickness. They are of same cross-sectional area.As fluid flow they overcoming the same pressure gradient, same cross-sectional area, the amount of fluid that can be passed through is much dependent on the thickness. When the fluid passes through membranes with large thickness, they are experiencing much effect through the membranes causing the permeability to be higher than the ones obtained with small thickness. 10. 0 Conclusions The objectives of this experiment are achieved. The permeability of three membrane samples are obtained from the liquid permeameter-elevated pressure tests. The permeability of the PP1 sample at ? P = 5 psi and ? P = 30 psi are k = 0. 3993 cm2 @ 2. 33993? 10-5 m2 and k = 0. 096196 cm2 @ 9. 6196? 10-6 m2 respectively. Laminar flow conditions are also created where Darcy’s equation can be used. From the data obtained from the tests, we are able to deduce relationship between permeability and other components of Darcy’s equation. Although the compared values are differing from the each other, we can say that the experiment is still a success as we are able to achieve the main objectives. 11. 0 Recommendations In order to get more accurate results, ensure that the apparatus used (liquid permeameter) is in good condition and is maintained regularly.Besides that, using new or fresh membrane samples can improve the results. Not necessarily that for every test to use new ones but replacing old ones with new ones a s when they are in bad condition would help. The average permeability value would be more accurate and the values obtained from the graph would be of not much difference. 12. 0 References i) Brown, G. (n. d. ). Darcy's Law. Retrieved October 03, 2012, from Darcy's Law Basics and More: http://biosystems. okstate. edu/darcy/LaLoi/basics. htm ii) Darcy's Law. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 03, 2012, from Darcy's Law: http://www. ldeo. columbia. du/~martins/hydro/lectures/darcy. html iii) Laminar Flow. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 03, 2012, from Hyper Physics: http://hyperphysics. phy-astr. gsu. edu/hbase/pfric. html iv) Laminar, Transitional or Turbulent Flow. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 03, 2012, from The Engineering ToolBox: http://www. engineeringtoolbox. com/laminar-transitional-turbulent-flow-d_577. html v) Oilfield Glossary. (2012). Retrieved October 03, 2012, from Schlumberger: http://www. glossary. oilfield. slb. com/Display. cfm? Term=permeability vi) Permeability. (n. d. ). Retri eved October 03, 2012, from NDT Resource Center: http://www. ndt-ed. rg/EducationResources/CommunityCollege/MagParticle/Physics/Permeability. htm 13. 0 Appendices Graph1: q/A against ? P/L at ? P=5psi Graph 2: q/A against ? P/L at ? P= 30 psi Figure 1: Liquid permeameter Figure 2: Sample chamber Figure 3: Pressure cylinder Figure 4: Fluid bin Figure 5: The discharge port of water Figure 6: Yellow chip pullers For ? P = 5psi, ?P/L| q/A| 0| 0| 15. 919| 3. 1536| 19. 185| 3. 4128| 22. 623| 3. 6631| 26. 519| 3. 9394| 29. 866| 4. 1191| 32. 784| 4. 1995| For ? P = 30 psi, ?P/L| q/A| ? P/L| q/A| ? P/L| q/A| 0| 0| 74. 1191| 6. 529| 142. 874| 8. 724| 5. 4528| 2. 274| 77. 339| 6. 8886| 146. 066| 8. 948| 12. 8498| 2. 9474| 81. 186| 6. 7182| 150. 051| 9. 209| 15. 9759| 3. 1624| 84. 434| 7. 2454| 153. 216| 9. 497| 19. 0896| 3. 4502| 88. 364| 7. 1371| 156. 263| 9. 495| 22. 5177| 3. 7128| 91. 687| 7. 0481| 159. 821| 9. 957| 26. 6236| 4. 057| 94. 541| 6. 9633| 163. 875| 9. 468| 29. 9179| 4. 1482| 97 . 858| 7. 126| 167. 619| 9. 357| 32. 471| 4. 2458| 98. 775| 8. 4774| 170. 453| 9. 444| 35. 9619| 4. 449| 100. 678| 7. 2947| 173. 287| 9. 683| 39. 2052| 4. 7036| 104. 677| 7. 94| 176. 741| 9. 692| 44. 044| 5. 186| 107. 986| 7. 9996| 180. 85| 10| 47. 068| 5. 1119| 116. 322| 8. 1839| 184. 373| 10. 5| 49. 7694| 5. 697| 118. 307| 8. 042| 187. 213| 10| 53. 2892| 5. 3991| 122. 31| 8. 399| 190. 655| 11. 1| 56. 6594| 5. 51| 125. 161| 8. 437| 193. 936| 10. 19| 59. 9503| 5. 8797| 128. 615| 8. 379| 198. 032| 10. 3| 63. 3005| 6. 0421| 132. 325| 8. 492| 201. 679| 10| 66. 792| 6. 2865| 135. 517| 8. 692| 205. 078| 10| 69. 7064| 6. 1141| 138. 523| 8. 76| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Monday, September 16, 2019

Compare the characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system

Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both management information systems and decision support systems generate information that help make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them to be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible Compare the characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system.Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both management information systems and decision support systems generate information that hel p make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them to be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible Compare the characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system.Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both management information systems and decision support systems generate information that help make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited  for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them t o be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible Compare the characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system.Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both management information systems and decision support systems generate information that help make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them to be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible Compare th e characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system.Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both management information systems and decision support systems generate information that help make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them to be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible Compare the characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system.Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both manag ement information systems and decision support systems generate information that help make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them to be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible Compare the characteristics of a management information system and a decision support system.Why are decision support systems suited for executive decision making? Why must an executive support system be flexible and easy to use?Both management information systems and decision support systems generate information that help make daily decisions within a business that are fast and efficient to produce productivity. Decision support systems are suited for executives because executives make many unstructured business decisions that requires them to be able to have an overall current view of the organizations standing, this is done through business intelligence infrastructure and the use of dashboards and scorecards. The Executive support system must be flexible

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Providence Within Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare writes of a world marred by the petulant idiocy of the Montagues and the Capulets, requiring God to intervene in order for the quarrel to end. Romeo and Juliet are fated to be â€Å"A pair of star-cross’d lovers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and are the living sacrifice necessary to end the feud. Providence utilizes the pressures of society and time to create whirling events established as fate within the play in order to impose a gentle ending for the lovers. Shakespeare establishes a forcefulness of fate and a great will of God in the life and death of Romeo and Juliet as a means to bring peace to the corrupted society of Verona. The public and private lives of Romeo and Juliet are greatly influenced by God’s unequivocal desire to end the disorder and chaos within Verona. Providence utilizes the pressures formed within Shakespeare’s society to aid in the death of Romeo and Juliet. The feud between the Montagues and the Capulets creates an undisputed loathing between the two families and yet, Romeo and Juliet manage to look deeper within identity and see beyond a family name. Juliet transcends beyond Romeo’s surname and knows that her love for Romeo lies within Romeo’s personality. â€Å"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other word would smell as sweet. † (2. 2. 43-44) Though the lovers express a maturity in being able to come together privately and look beyond identity, the idea of Romeo and Juliet coming together is inconsistent to society. As a result, the lovers form their lives together in secrecy which results in Providence easily manipulating the course of the lovers as their love is unknown and disregarded within society. The secrecy of Romeo and Juliet’s love, and later marriage, causes Juliet to hurry into swift action which is later revealed. Friar Laurence, characterized by his wisdom and philosophy, is swayed in judgment as he begrudgingly weds Romeo and Juliet. The Friar agrees to oversee the marriage as it is his idea that the two families will be united through a sacrament between the couple and God. â€Å"For this alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your households’ rancour to pure love. † (2. 3. 91-92) Friar Laurence recognizes the need to end the feud as the quarrel between the two families will otherwise completely disunify society through violence and death. However, Friar is aware that the rash and impulsive decision to marry will cause the couple â€Å"[to] stumble as [they] run fast. † (2. 3. 94)- as Shakespeare is referring to the lovers, he evokes the death of the couple. Shakespeare establishes fairness within the law whilst also establishing Providence’s ability to manipulate fate through Romeo’s banishment. Romeo acts out of foolishness as a result of vengeance and fate. Romeo, after killing Tybalt in an attempt to avenge Mercutio’s death, is sentenced, by the law- giver Prince, to banishment as an acknowledgement of Romeo killing the murderer, Tybalt. Shakespeare evokes Providence’s desire to establish unity within Verona as the law is given fairly through Prince and additionally the tragedy of the lover’s demise is continued as a means to end the feud and restore order. Poverty, within Romeo and Juliet, aids in destroying the lives of the lovers. Romeo, stricken with grief at hearing of Juliet’s death, wishes to commit suicide and approaches a poor apothecary whom unwillingly agrees. â€Å"My poverty, but not my will, consents. † (5. 1. 5) Shakespeare establishes that the society he writes of creates a contrast of wealthy and poor resulting in the apothecary providing Romeo with an illegal poison and gaining money the apothecary believes may make him wealthy. The poison the apothecary provides Romeo with causes the physical death of Romeo and aids in the work of Providence as the demise of one lover ultimately kills the other. Romeo and Juliet’s deaths and the events that lead to their demise ar e a constant work of Providence. Shakespeare utilizes speed as evidence of the force of fate acting upon Romeo and Juliet as well as, an aid in the destruction of the lovers. Shakespeare builds a fast- paced world around Romeo and Juliet which results in swift and hazardous decision making. The final scene of the play, which details the death of the lovers, occurs quickly and hastily as Romeo swiftly slays Paris, drinks the poison, and dies within the tomb having Juliet, moments later, immediately commit suicide at seeing her love lying deceased upon the ground. Shakespeare establishes the reliance of time in regards to assisting Providence in the death of the lovers. Events happen at such a rapid pace, it results in an inability for characters to adhere to the Friar’s wisdom of properly contemplating situations and an inability to ponder a solution other than that of suicide which would attempt to counter Providence. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet are necessary sacrifices within Providence’s plan to restore unity, peace, and ease within Verona. The citizens of Verona are greatly influenced by a feud that Shakespeare leaves unexplained and unreasoned. Servants from either household are willing to fight for their masters, though not for a particular reason. â€Å"The quarrel is between our masters and us their men. † (1. 1. 18) Shakespeare emphasizes the need for a great sacrifice as Verona’s citizens are easily swayed into violence without proper reason, suggesting the inability for the law within Verona to overcome the violence resulting from the feud. The feud within Verona has resulted in a loss of human dignity and a disregard for life. Tybalt, upon recognizing Romeo’s voice at the Capulet’s banquet, is quick to assume Romeo has come to harm the Capulet’s in some way and swiftly admits â€Å"To strike him dead I hold it not a sin. † (1. 5. 58) The suicidal death of Romeo and Juliet reestablishes a regard for human life as the families witness the result of their children having lost a regard for their own lives. Providence required the death of the two lovers as their death effected both the Capulets and the Montagues in such a personal way as they realized the consequences of the feud the families had established. Romeo and Juliet are fated by Shakespeare to love and die as a means to end their parents’ feud. Providence is evident within the lovers’ lives and deaths as events occur out of fate. The disordered society of Verona pressures the lives of several characters to unknowingly aid in the destruction of the lovers. Time is evoked as being destructive as the rapid movement of time aids in the lovers’ dying at possibly avoidable moments. The forcefulness of fate and the will of God as a result of the lovers’ parents’ quarrel resulted in the death of Romeo and Juliet.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Contributions of Science in Maintaining World Peace Essay

Science has made great progress in recent times. Through science man has been able to conquer nature. He has acquired control over land, air and water. Time and distance have no meaning in this sputnik Age. Some people think that science is responsible for wars. It has placed in the hands of the man extremely destructive weapons. They may ruin the world completely. It may be true to some extent. But science has also contributed a lot towards world peace. Today very fast means of transport and communications are available. Armies can be moved from one place to another in no times. These forces check the advance of an enemy. Thus war is prevented. Big wars break out due to certain causes. Poverty, disease, hunger, etc. , are enemies of mankind. Some countries are rich while others are poor. Scientific inventions have given us valuable machines. With their help production has been increased manifold. Even the backward and poor countries have now begun to enjoy a better standard of living. The contribution of science to medical science is well known to everyone. Wonderful drops like penicillin, streptomycin, Chloromycetin, etc. , have been discovered. They have ensured long and healthy life to the people of the world. By removing such causes of war, science has helped in reducing the chances of a world war to the minimum. Small sparks lead to big conflagrations. Similarly minor internal disturbances within a country sometimes lead to big wars, but now-a-days the police and military can be sent to the spots of trouble within no time. Thus, internal peace is far more secure today than it ever was. Science has given very effective means of propaganda. The Radio, the Television, the News paper and the cinema are very powerful means of propaganda. Through them, the people of the world can easily know the horrible effects of modern warfare. Through cinema, pictures of horrors of war are shown to the people. Thus public opinion is created against war. This also helps in preventing war. Science has not reached the limits of its inventions even now. It is making even more starting inventions. It is now busy in acquiring control over outer space. Furthermore, man is today more conscious of necessity of world peace than ever before. He has begun to use his knowledge of science for peaceful purposes. Let us be optimistic that science enables us to banish war completely in the near future.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Occupy Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Occupy Movement - Essay Example In the recent years this movement has seen arrests, police raids and police brutality during their activities. This movement is seen as an organization that is voicing out the overwhelming grievances of the working class majority (Fleming 54). The Occupy Movement begun by targeting Wall Street due to its role in the 2008 economic meltdown that led to the commencing of the great recession. This great recession saw thousands of Americans lose their jobs and even their homes due to foreclosures. Occupy movement are of the view that Wall Street’s perilous loaning services that involve mortgage-backed securities which in the long-run do not bring in any returns, was the major cause of the meltdown. They are also of the view that the government bailout ruptured a sense of propriety. According to followers of this movement Wall Street recklessly and without insight violated the credit default swap market. and the volatility of the market ought to have been realized earlier. They demand that action be taken against the people in Wall Street who were directly linked to this. The movement has been mostly criticized due to the fact that most of its followers have different messages and goals concerning the movement. However, I believe that although this is true whereby different followers have different viewpoints regarding the movement, the fundamental message of the Occupy Movement is quite coherent. Douglas Rushkoff who is a CNN reporter stipulated that although the followers of the movement have not yet reached the point of outlining an exact list of grievances or the best way to solve them anybody of the opinion that they do not understand what this people are protesting about is being a blatant liar (Times 27). Whether or not we are of their opinion, it is clear what they are distraught about and that they are fighting for a just cause. It is well known that investment bankers who carry out their activities in Wall Street are continuously

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis of Zara case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of Zara - Case Study Example This made Inditex one of the chief merchants in the world. The major branch, Zara, of Inditex was first launched in Spain in the year 1975 and has currently grown and spread to other parts like German and Portugal. Zara offers stylish designs for gents, ladies, and children. They also vend accessories to complete their merchandise (Zara, 9). The success of Zara, from operations management point of view, can be attributed to many factors as discussed in the subsequent paragraphs. In relation to design and manufacturing, Zara comes up with innovative design collections at the beginning of each season. Moreover, it continuously brings in new items with short lead times all through the year. By providing more fashionable clothes which are not readily available, the customer have limited option, and they have to move quickly in purchasing the little available stock and hence a high turnout for Zara. On the other hand, Zara strategy to embark on the vertically incorporated industrialized undertakings and well-organized production system has also enabled them increase sales. Moreover, there was extensive and equal distribution of production resources across the network of facilities all over the supply chains where errands were well segregated. As a result of this segregation, new clothing design were innovated and were afterw ard displayed it in its stores for vending in a month’s period span. This is a short period span and therefore, manufactured quantities can be solely based on the approximation and any alteration in the production can be made without difficulty and quickly. Secondly, Zara spent modest on advertising for its fashion. As an alternative, it has played attention on opening its stores in major city locations. Across the world, store layouts and pricing of the outfits are also homogeneous so as to reflect the main branch, the H Q in La Coruna (Zara, 9). Despite the fact

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Globalization - Research Paper Example Although the term ‘globalization’ is widely used and assumed to be crucially important across the globe, most people are unaware of the exact meaning of this term, as they have only a scant idea about this process. As Jan Aart Scholte (2000) maintains, â€Å"globalization is a distinctive and significant feature of recent world history. Moreover, the dynamics of globalization involve several of the core forces of modern social life: rationalist knowledge, capitalist production, automated technology, and bureaucratic governance.† (Scholte, 2000, p. 3). Therefore, a critical introduction to the concept of globalization confirms that it is a vital process involving almost all levels of social system of current world, although the discussions of globalization are generally muddled, redundant, unsubstantiated, and hyped due to the context of the world today. It is fundamental to recognize that globalization as a concept refers to the compression of the world as well as the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. Significantly, the processes and actions connected with globalization have been proceeding from the past over a long period and it is probable that it will go on to be the most engaging concept of discussion in the socio-political and economic spheres for long.

Critically Evaluate Project Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critically Evaluate Project Plan - Essay Example The main difference between leadership and management is how they motivate people as managers motivate their subordinates through communicating while leaders persuade their followers to remain committed to the shared vision (Northouse 2010). The managers react to changes in the built environment while leaders create change. Accordingly, managers exercise their control and power while leaders develop power within their people (Alizor 2011). The managers will try to maintain status quo through organizing and directing project tasks while leaders set new directions and perspectives that challenge the existing status quo in housing projects (Lussier and Achua 2010). Autocratic leadership style involves making decisions without consulting the subordinates and project managers often use this leadership style in emergency situations. Autocratic leadership may lead to team hostility and high dependence on the leader thus it is ineffective in the delegation of tasks (Burke and Barron 2014). Harrell (2008) outlines that the approach requires close supervision, but it is appropriate in making faster decisions. Transactional leadership style will involve the use of formal job descriptions, authority and formal job output expectations to implement a dwelling project. The approach to leadership leads to less job satisfaction. Laissez-faire leadership style is a hands-off approach to leadership whereby the leader provides the required resources and tools for the successful completion of the dwelling project (Lussier and Achua 2010). The subordinates are free to make their own decisions and it is effective when the subordinates are highly experienced and mo tivated. The approach is not ideal where the team members have not prior experience in executing successful dwelling projects.