Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Social Philosophy Has Its Place in Social Work Practice

Social work as a discipline concentrates on theoretical and philosophical positions such as social justice, equality, and empowerment and these may be described as â€Å"philosophies of social work†. (Mackie, 2007) Historically during social works early years, moral concerns laid the foundations for the development of social work and the principal values of the profession, with particular emphasis on the significance of individual worth and dignity and service to humanity (Bisman, 2004).Many of our contemporary professional social work values and ethics have been constructed on the basis of Kantian and Utilitarian philosophies and although mutually they are considered as alternatives; both theories of are based on the assumption of the human being as a freely acting individual and indeed the philosophies share and hold the following approaches: †¢ The moral value of individual persons as autonomous rational beings; †¢ The universality of values and principles; †¢ The possibility of deducing moral ‘laws’ through rational reflection; †¢ The goal of individual liberty; freedom and emancipation and in the just ordering of a society.Human rights and social justice are clearly draw from Kantian and Utilitarian social philosophies and today are regarded as fundamental principals in the practice of social work (Banks 2001). In this paper the author will consider what social philosophy is and what effect if any it has on social work practice in 2011/2012. Political philosophy is influenced by social philosophy which in turn has an impact on the work has carried out by social workers ‘a rigid demarcation between political and social philosophy is impossible, and social philosophers, have influenced recent political philosophy.Social philosophy also deals with philosophical issues relating to institutions such as the family, religion and education. (Bunmin, 2004) Philosophers observed that the development of human behaviour wa s shaped by their social environment and mainly competitive in nature. From these philosophical origins collectivism grew into what we now know as collectivistic or socialist theories Kantian deontological ethics is a principle-based ethics wherein reason is central. Reasons motivate or predispose action. Gray, 2010)Kant’s ethical theory is grounded in the respect owed to individuals because they are rational moral agents. As social workers we work with service users to determine ‘what is the right thing to do’. Reasons are seen as more reliable when making moral judgements than emotions. This is not to say that Kant overlooks the importance of emotions, merely that they do not give the moral agent reason for action. Moral motives are attached to moral principles that lead people to do the right thing. (Gray, 2010) Autonomy and freedom are two absolute values for Kant.He believed that since people were rational beings, they had the ability to create universal law s and follow them. Furthermore, people were self-regulated by their own rules/laws because they were free to determine for themselves without laws imposed by others. Thus, the two notions of autonomy and freedom were identical in Kantian theory and interdependently connected (RHODES, 1986). In contrast with other theories on ethics, such as hedonism and utilitarianism, Kant believed that the purpose of ethics was not to teach people to reach for their personal happiness.On the contrary, ethical living for Kant was achieved at the cost of our urges and instincts. However it is necessary for individuals to be aware of their own personal needs and wills. Concerning social work ethics, the Kantian ethic of self-determination is one of the most important ethical commitments of the social work profession. Social workers are educated to intervene in human lives in a way that their actions preserve the right of all humans to determine for themselves.Self-determination is a fundamental value that entails us as social workers to respect the person and encourage the person to act for themselves(Parrott, 2008). Based on the dual focus of the Kantian theory in autonomy and freedom, the ethic of self-determination reflects a belief that everyone is a rational being who can decide on their own about what is good or bad. Therefore, a rational being can also understand the meaning of punishment when their actions infringe on the freedom and the autonomy of others (Clark, 2000).Furthermore, social workers are also committed to act with respect for one’s dignity, and this also demonstrates Kantian thinking and its absolute ethical obligation to see every person as an end and not as a means (Rhodes, 1986). However social workers need to be conscious, that self-determination in practice may be unclear and can be seen as ‘professional ideology—an inter-related set of values and ideas. The concept is derived from a number of ideas and values outside social work, but it appears to have little direct relevance to social work in practice. (SPICKER, 1990) Kant’s principle of respect for persons, which is very relevant for current social work is as an end in itself, and is tied to his view of individuals as rational beings with autonomy and the capacity to exercise choice (Gray, 2000). It is this condition of human agency that sets the object of moral requirement in place and places limitations on our actions. It is precisely this view of the individual that social work adopts. It leads to attention being paid to responsibility as the flipside of duty or obligation and to ethical decision making as a rational activity.The classic utilitarian’s believe that the ultimate good is something that most people actually desire, such as happiness or pleasure. Specifically, the doctrine of ethical hedonism and most of the modern utilitarian’s take pleasure as the ultimate goal to which we should aim. In its simplest form, utilitariani sm states that in any situation where there is a moral choice, which is likely to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people or the least harm to the world as a whole.Therefore, everyone ought to obey the laws that ensure the balance between the good for the individual and for the society as a whole (Rhodes, 1986; Clark, 2000) However focusing on a utilitarian outlook loses sight of the individual and their values and the riots that took place in England over the summer highlights this. The government â€Å"blamed a â€Å"broken society† for the wave of rioting and looting that spread through London http://www. guardian. co. k/social-care-network/2011/dec/09/live-reading-the-riots-social-careand there was a loud national outcry to deal robustly with the people that that took part in the riots and to give them sanctions like i. e. eviction from social housing, loss of state benefits, jail sentences However there were no considerations made for individual s and rhetoric like ‘social fight back’ gave such a combative position from the government. The summer riots emphasised the need for social workers to adhere to the GSCC codes of practice and to hold fast to ethics and values that under pin the discipline in the face of the moral panic.As emphasised by Theresa May’s and David Cameron recent speeches â€Å"The riots weren't about protests, unemployment, cuts,† she said. â€Å"The riots weren't about the future, about tomorrow. They were about today. They were about now. They were about instant gratification. Because all the riots really come down to was money. † â€Å"Parts of the state and its agencies had become demoralised from a moral collapse that has seen children without fathers and alienated, angry young people. The riots were not about race or poverty, but about behaviour and moral breakdown and people without proper boundaries. http://www. guardian. co. uk/social-care-network/2011/dec/09/l ive-reading-the-riots-social-care This highlights the challenge that social workers face in contemporary social work, as ‘agents of the state’ how do we work with these service users and empower them to make their own decisions when the current government belittles their frustrations and dismisses the inequalities that they experience on a day to day basis and ignore their feelings of powerlessness, voicelessness and under-representation.The government outlook does not take into consideration the evidence which suggests that rioters were generally poorer than the country at large. Analysis of more than a 1,000 court records suggests 59% of the England rioters come from 20% of the most deprived areas of the UK. Other analysis carried out by the Department for Education and the Ministry of Justice on young riot defendants found that 64% came from the poorest fifth of areas and only 3% from the richest.This viewpoint makes it difficult for service users to not regard socia l workers with an air of suspicion ‘social workers have always been viewed by some people, on the far left of the political spectrum, as part of the social problem because they are agents of the state. This perspective sees social workers’ role as a sop for the poor and the marginalised by a brutal capitalist system. (Okitikpi, 2011) Although this may be difficult for some service users, ultimately as part of their code from The British Association of Social Workers (BASW, 2002): â€Å"social workers have a duty to†¦ ring to the attention of those in power and the general public, and where appropriate challenge ways in which the policies or activities of government, organisations or society create or contribute to structural disadvantages, hardship and suffering or militate against their relief (BASW, 2002, Section 3. 2. 2. 2. a. ). This a code that social workers adhere to as many social workers were initially motivated to join the profession by their desire to w ork for social justice and to have direct helping relationships. Cree, 2007)study reinforces the point that practitioners see their role as being that of an enabler and facilitator working alongside people. The entrenchment of user-involvement in all areas of the profession has also done much to reinforce practitioners’ perception of the centrality of the caring aspects of their role. A greater emphasis should be placed on social workers to practice feminist ethics ‘feminist ethics of care attempts to provide a more complete view of morality and ethics in social work of care’ (Gray, 2010).This eschews more abstract ethical perspectives and requires social workers to look at themselves and their capacities for empathy, courage and compassion. Virtue theory insists that it’s misguided to expect reason to be able to establish some infallible moral doctrine which is compulsory and often counter to human nature and emotions. Perhaps morality is not about confor ming to rules, but more about being trained to see problematic situations in a moral way. Morality may not be the rational control of the emotions but, more appropriately, the cultivation of desirable emotions (Phoca, 1999). Hugman, 2005)argues there is a growing interest in placing emotions at the heart of ethics. The helping relationship is one where the emotional content is often silent in the discussion of ethics. Feminists regard this approach as reductive in its presumptions about the overriding importance of duties and obligations, and rules and principles in moral behaviour. This implies that social workers keep clients’ confidence, for example, merely because it is their duty to do so. For feminists, there is much more to morality than this we keep confidentiality because we care about our clients. Gray, 2010) Social workers are bound by the GSCC codes of practice; there is an obligation to have regard for inequalities within society and to consider the many forms of discrimination service user’s encounter on a regular basis. Discrimination is explained by Thompson (2007); he describes discrimination with the use of his Personal, Cultural and Structural (PCS) model; the Personal refers to the psychological characteristics of discrimination and how such personal experiences impact upon our attitudes; Cultural makes reference to perceived societal norms – our shared socially

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effective Communication Skills in Nursing Essay

1. Explain the principles of confidentiality in the health care environment. The principles of confidentiality are to maintain the patient’s privacy and confidentiality that all information about the treatment, the patient’s current medical conditions, prognosis and all other areas of the patient’s personal information be kept confidential. This means that it is legally and ethically wrong to disclose their information to a third party unless the nurse has gained consent from the patient to do so, the only time a nurse will disclose the patients information is if it falls within her professional duties and only discussed with other health care professionals (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p. 29). The privacy and confidentiality are governed by the code of conduct and the code of ethics the nurse must work within these codes and their scope of practice, a breach in the patient’s confidentiality can lead to legal proceedings against the nurse (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2014). 2. What are the types of small groups and work teams that nurses are likely to be involved in? There are different groups or work team that nurses can be involved within the health care environment and will consist of two or more people, an example of the types of group could include, Infection control committee that promotes awareness of areas in infection control an example of this is the compliance in hand washing or using alcohol rub before and after procedures in the workplace and communicating the correct procedures in workshops and education sessions (infection control today 2014). Nurses can also be involved in research teams and communication may come in the form of surveys or interviews to conduct studies on the ways a nurse learns, this could be studies on the way patient care is provided or how nurses manage situations, so the best evidence based practices can be implemented in the nursing profession (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher and Camera 2013,p.12). Educational groups are also an area that nurse can work in an example of this is a Diabetic educator, were they teach people suffering with diabetes management strategies and risks of the illness, and health promotion to prevent the onset of this illness (Australian Diabetes Educators Association 2014) 3.what are dynamics and what are the attributes that aid groups in working effectively? The definition of Group dynamics is the way that a group of people interact when grouped together (the free dictionary 2014), the benefits and attributes of group dynamics is the way communication and interaction are received and working as part of a team for a common goal, communication between a group should be are clear and concise, being an effective listener to all parties involved in the group, understanding that your opinion may differ to others, respect for yourself and others, to support each other and structure, all of these will help in team building and effective communication between nurses so that effective communication is achieved (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 98-100). 4. Describe the communication strategy that could be implemented when establishing a therapeutic relationship with the following types of clients. When an Enrolled nurse is establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients the Enrolled nurse may need use a variety of different communication strategies to meet the patients’ health care needs, there are different techniques that the enrolled nurse will need to use to effectively communicate this includes showing the patient respect for their values and beliefs even if they go against what the nurses beliefs are, having a non-bias attitude, listening to the request of the patient, maintaining eye contact, and having a positive attitude can help a patient feel at ease (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 108-122). Cultural differences When the Enrolled Nurse has a patient from a different cultural in their  care, the nurse must be culturally sensitive and have a non-bias approach. For effective communication the nurse will need to respect the patient’s beliefs and values and communicate at a level that the patient and the family can understand this also may require the nurse to have an interpreter available if English is a second language ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 114-115). ). Religious practices Religious beliefs are very similar to cultural beliefs, the nurse must have a non-bias approach and respect the patient’s beliefs and values. The nurse will need to ask questions to find out any special requirements and make any special arrangements available for the patient communication may be verbally or non verbally ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 114-118). Language barriers When the Enrolled nurse is dealing with language barriers in the health care setting the nurse may be able to communicate with the patient through a family member, interpreter service or arrange to have visual aids that will be able to guide the patient ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p.108). Physical disabilities When you are dealing with a patient with a physical disabilitie there is a variety of different materials available to help communicate with the patient this could include advising the patient of who you are and what you are their to help them with, using a normal tone in your voice, hearing aids and making sure there in working order, sign language, having pen and paper available, and talking books are some of the aids that can help with communicating, ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 118 -120). Intellectual disabilities/emotional disorders When communicating with a patient that has an intellectual disabilitie or an emotional disorder it is important for the nurse to use the appriote communication, the nurse may need to slow down when explaining a process,  using words that the patient can understand, listening to what the patients is communicating and showing empathy and understanding (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 108 -120). 5. Health care records are legal documents. What are the requirements of documentation in the health care environment? The legal requirements of documentation in the health care setting that all events in in the correct order of which they happened and be dated and timed using the twenty four hour clock, that all paper work correctly displays the patients full name, date of birth and gender, That all documentation is legible, only the facts are recorded e.g.; only what you personally see, hear, touch or smell, That the signature and name of the nurse is on the paperwork, any mistakes on the paper work you are required to draw a line through the entry and initial it, Only put in the care that you have done is documented unless in an emergency situation, only use authorised abreviations, if there are any gaps are to be filled with a signal line to stop information being added at a later date (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 272-274). 6. Discuss the meaning of a nurse’s duty of care. A nurses duty of care refers to using moral and ethical judgement when providing care for a patient without compromising their own moral values and the moral values of the patient, this means to me that you treat people the way you wish to be treated. The nurse has a duty to provide the best possible care and to act in a moral, ethical and professional manner to maintain the patients dignity and respect the wishes of the patient even if this conflicts with your own moral judgement (Crisp and Taylor 2010, pp 334-339) 7. Briefly explain five (5) potential constraints to effective communication? An Enrolled nurse working in the health care environment needs to be an effective communicator to patients and other health care professional to  build a good therapeutic relationships, some barriers that can effect the communication process are talking to a patient but not actively listening to what the patient has to say, abruptly changing the subject, being defensive and acting in a defensive manner, becoming distracted or daydreaming not paying attention to what the patient is saying and asking them to repeat themselves, giving the patient false reassurance when the patient asks a question that makes the nurse feel uncomfortable, and offering an opinion on what they think the patient should do (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 113-114) 8. What is e-Health and what are the advantages of e-Health? E-Health is a secure summary of an individual’s personal health information that is available online. the advantages of having an e-Health account is that the individual has personal control over who can access their private information and what information the individual wishes to have recorded, having an e-health account allows the individual, their Doctor and Health care providers share information and allows the individual to have an active involvement in the treatment and insures that the approve care is provided (Australian Government Health Department 2014) 9. Explain the meaning of informed consent and give an example of informed consent in the health setting. Informed Consent is providing the patient with the most current up to date facts and any associated risks for the prescribed treatment or procedure that is required to meet the health care requirements for the patient, this ensures that the patient can base their decision on all the information that they have been provided with. The nurse must ensure that the patient has understood this information and that the consent of the patient must be voluntary and coercion free. (Crisp and Taylor 2010,p.345) An example of informed consent is informing a patient that requires chemotherapy that all the evidence based facts on the benefits and side effects of the prescribe treatment, The patient will then need to sign a legal consent form prior to the commencement of treatment (Crisp and Taylor 2010,p.345). 10. Define open disclosure and briefly explain the key principles of open disclosure. The definition of open disclosure is â€Å"an open discussion with the patient on adverse events to the patient while receiving health care† (Australian commission on safety on quality in the healthcare 2010). When openly disclosing information to a patient and their family the nurse must act in a professional manner and provide the patient with the facts of the adverse event even before all the information is available, an apology which should include â€Å"I am or we are sorry† (Australian commission on safety on quality in the healthcare 2010) for the what has happened, give the patient and family an opportunity to relate their experience, discuss the potential ramifications of the event, explain what is being done to prevent a recurrence, and understanding that open disclosure is a discussion between the patient and the health care facility and this will take time and numerous meetings over a period of time (Australian commission on safety on quality in the healthca re 2010). 11. Clinical handover can pose a high risk scenario for the client’s safety. There are dangers of discontinuity of care, adverse events and legal claims of malpractice. Describe the SBAR framework for handover. The SBAR framework for handover can be done by the bedside of the patient or by phone when transferring care to a different healthcare facility, The SBAR framework for handovers ensures that an organised and efficient process of communicating the patients private and confidential information to other health care professionals, This process includes Identifying yourself and the patient, The current situation of the patients current medical condition, the background information on what has happened and any know medical conditions and medication that can help aid in the patients treatment, the nurses assessment of the patient including current observations or complaints the patients may have, and recommendations that the nurse has that will assist the patients conditions or recapping all the patients details to ensure that the correct information has been handed over  (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 122- 123). 12. Describe the role of the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency (AHPRA). The Australian Health Practitioners Agency in Australia has offices in each state and works with the fourteen national boards that are in charge for regulating the heath care profession and public protection (Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency 2014). The primary role of AHPRA is to provide the public with registered health practitioner information, oversees the registration and renewal of nurses and students, investigates complaints of professional conduct issues, a health practitioner’s performance with the exception of New South Wales and Queensland. Provides support in developing the registration standards, codes and guidelines, guides and advises the Ministerial Council in relation to the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency 2014). 13. Briefly describe two (2) nursing Codes and two (2) nursing Guidelines relevant to professional practice for the Enrolled Nurse? The Code of Ethics for the Enrolled nurse is a set of self-imposed rules that ensures the decision, beliefs and the nurses action towards others is at the highest standard. The Enrolled Nurse will work with integrity a high moral standard that ensures the patient will receive the appropriate care whilst tin their care (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014). The Code of Professional Conduct ensures that the Enrolled Nurse work in a compitant and professional manner, The enrolled nurse will show respect to the patient, their culture and the patients values and beliefs, keep their the personal information private and confidential, and provide accurate information on the patients health care needs (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014). Professional Boundaries guidelines The professional boundaries guidelines for the Enrolled Nurse outlines the importance of establishing a therapeutic relationship with the patient that only occurs to meets the patients healthcare need, and ensures that the Enrolled nurse acts in a professional manner, It is unprofessional for the Enrolled Nurse to enter into a personal relationship with the patient while in their care to except gifts, services or for financial gain (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014). The competency Standards for the enrolled nurse also outline areas that the Enrolled nurse must be competent in to perform their duties in a competent and professional manner and abide the legislations for the nursing profession, this ensures that the nurse will work within their scope of practice (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014). 14. What are the functions of performance appraisal and development in the workplace? Promote learning reflect learning The function of the performance appraisal in the health care environment is to a evaluate the performance of the Enrolled Nurse working practices, this helps the Enrolled nurse and their manager to identify areas of improvement, areas where the healthcare facilities goals are being met, recognising areas of professional or personal development and promoting learning and continuous development in areas that will benefit the Enrolled nurse (Queensland Government of Health 2014) 15. Using the examples given below as your guide, research the following medical terms. Provide a definition for each and where possible, break the word down into the meanings of the prefix, words root and suffix. 16.Read the following case study and document the events that occurred. Be objective and keep to the facts, you are documenting as you would in the clients progress notes following an incident. Use the focus charting system outlines in Koutoukidis, Stainton and Hughson 2013. Reference list 1. Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p. 29). Nursing and Midwifery board of Australia viewed 23.6.14 code of conduct 12 Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency 2014, viewed 25.6.14 â€Å"about† 2infection control today 2014 viewed 26.6.14†hand washing commitees† 4 Queensland Government Health 28.6.14 Cultural Communication 2014 Queensland Government Health 28.6.14 Cultural requirements 5 (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 108-120). 10 2010 15 ( 8 australian government health department 2014 viewed 28.6.14 â€Å"about e-health† <> 11. Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 272-274). 9 (Crisp and Taylor 2010,p.345). 13 NMBA viewed 29.6.14 â€Å"professional boundries† <> 14 Queensland Government of Health 2014 viewed 30.6.14 â€Å"performance and development appraisal† <> 6 Crisp and Taylor 2010, pp 334-339) 7 Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 113-114

Monday, July 29, 2019

What are the difficulties presented by trying to balance hate speech Essay

What are the difficulties presented by trying to balance hate speech laws with the concept of free speech - Essay Example Hate speech cannot be looked at as an invitation to politely have a talk or a chat since it is mainly aimed at ambushing the victim, insulting them and silencing them at the same time. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that campuses where highly publicized incidence of hate speech have taken place report a decrease in the number of minority enrollment since the students that are considered to be of colour decide to attend the schools that have an environment that is safer from them. Hate speech has reached proportions that are very high lately in the schools and colleges with many of the victims being subjected to threats on the grounds of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion or their sexual orientation and many of the victims have experienced this attacks more than once. In response to this situation that is getting out of control, some of the universities have had to put some regulations in place that forbids speech that assaults the ethnic minorities and other groups that are vulnerable. Individuals have also been subjected to punishment when their behavior becomes an obstacle to the educational opportunity that another person has been able to acquire. These policies have been the source of debates that are heated and far-reaching discourse on how practical they are. In the Article 19 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, there is an explicit recognition of the need to protect free expression and this shows that the principle of free speech is fundamentally important (Warburton, 2009, p. 1). When this this freedom is not protected, it can be very fragile to deal with and will lead to various situations that might get out of hand and the original idea of the First Amendment was to stop the central government from being able to make intrusions as far as this area is concerned. It aims at

Sunday, July 28, 2019

China's Importance to the Global economy Research Paper

China's Importance to the Global economy - Research Paper Example China is the world's second largest economy if we see by both nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and PPP (Purchasing Power Parity)(New York Post, 2010). It is even the permanent member of UNSC (United Nation Security Council). China has been title as the global super power by a number of academic (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2010) military analyst (Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: The Air War College, Air University. p. 33.) and public policy and economics analysts. However, its outputs contribute widely to the world; its demands for raw materials are massive that may poke environmental threat. Despite, China benefiting higher economic growth rate its domestic consumption remain low, as a result higher national saving rate and more overseas investments results. China will move on to become the world’s second largest economic nation in the years to come.    Factors Contributing to China’s Current Status China's rapid growth cannot be term as an accide nt. Behind its success lie the application of right policies from the side of the economic theory and even practically. Decision to Join WTO China's growing economy resulted in a very significant role in global economy. Its decision to be a part of WTO has not only supported its country towards success but also contributed to the worldwide economic development. The practical importance of this success is evident. This year China will probably account for whole of net economic growth worldwide. China's GDP growth would be 8.0% or above. Its economy will grow by 7.9% year-on-year probably in the second quarter and would accelerate. Urban investment rise by 34%, retail sales by 15%. China’s success result explicably because of the normal economic factors. China makes use of series of mutually and interconnected reinforcing policies. Price Control Measures China has very strictly enforced price control measures. It has kept the value of its currency (Yuan) at an artificially low level. Division of Labor Firstly, the economy has a high proportion of exports. Every economist after the great Adam Smith has recognized the vitality of division of labor in acceleration the level of productivity, and division of labor in a modern economy is essentially international. An increasing level of imports and exports are the increasing way of participating in such a division of labor. Economies of Scale The application of division of labor also results in economies of scale for China. The investopedia defines economies of scale as â€Å"The rise in  efficiency of production  as the quantity of goods  being produced accelerates.  Typically, a country that achieves economies of scale benefits from lowering of the average cost per unit through the increase in production units this results fixed costs are shared over an accelerated number of goods.† High Level of Investment Second is China's greater level of investment. Latest econometric research reveal conclu sively that, after division of labor, the largest factor in economic growth results from the rate of increase of fixed investment. This covers not only the developing economy such as China but also even the developed economies. Mr., Dale Jorgenson, the world's leading proficient on the productivity growth notes, "Investment in physical assets is the most essential source of economic growth in G7 nations. The contribution of input capital exceeds that of the total factor

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Project Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Controls - Essay Example This paper will therefore discuss issues on the changes likely to occur, quality evaluation, change control and appropriate communication of performance objectives. There are various changes that have not been planned for that may affect the project if not well catered for before project execution. These changes may be as a result of various problems that may occur during project implementation. They are mainly logistical as well as technical or operational problems. This paper has, however, identified three major problems that may create need for changes in planed process flows. First, the acquisition of the server’s license meant for the San Jose facility may be faced by delay if the legal provisions are changed to include more requirements and say additional application fees. Secondly, since the acquisition of the servers and modules for the various upgrade components may depend on the global and local supply changes, delivery may be affected through extended lead times. Lastly, there is likelihood, even though to minimal levels, of compatibility problems with the existing hardware at the facilities where upgrades will be conducted and hence creating further delays or even project overhaul. The intended project has set a higher quality assurance measures that will ensure that its implementation will be a success in terms of costs and performance. With the work breakdown structure in place, every implementation stage will ensure that the best techniques of installation and the best available and relevant software and hardware components are utilized. Having looked at the various changes that may come up during project execution, this paper proposes a three step for change control. The first phase will involve the evaluation of how the change is likely to affect the project. Secondly, the project implementation team will draw a timeline of tackling

Are there any objective values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Are there any objective values - Essay Example They are reflected in the form of theories and moral rules. Many philosophers including atheists reject the possibility of creating ethical system basing on the physical forces and natural processes. They state that ethical rules and principles appeared naturally from the practical needs of people: marriage, wars, conflicts, etc. In the early stage of its evolution ethics represented the area of practical reasons, and only long-time experience led to the formation of theoretical ethics. However, the principles, which were formed in the process of social experience, were not set as unchanged like the God’s commandments. Consequently, they could be transformed, forgotten or changed for the new principles, which reflect the constantly collected by the human experience in the spheres of science, technology and psychology (Kelly, 2006). The conclusion can be made that the values can be objective. Ethical values are not merely culturally contingent, but acquired during the process of acquiring experience, thus they are totally

Friday, July 26, 2019

Choose any topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choose any topic - Essay Example However, every country that practices democracy as its system of governance has its way of interpreting it which might not appear always rational in other societies based on their actions, culture and beliefs. Unlike before, nowadays people’s opinions are forwarded to the government by elected representatives elected by that society as the population is much higher for every person to directly address the government. This has increased the much needed transparency and reason which must accompany the decision of a representative, for one would appear a fool to present an idea before thinking about its end results even though being the choice of majority (President Obama). The majority are not always right for a decision made by many uninformed people does not always auger well for them and the society they live in, hence the leadership even though democracy must put a reason in their governing to yield better results for all. Successful democracy must not be ultimate system whe re the majority of the people is entitled to make all the opinions regardless of the minority groups which in many circumstances might end up being mobbed rule. A good example of worst mob rule confused with democracy is the Nazis Brown Shirts from Germany. A mature democracy must observe ethics, reason and morals which are formulated by the majority citizens (President Obama). The ideas of democracy that do not observe reasons are tantamount to oppression or hypocrisy of the great order as the rulers who do not engage in reasonable ideas yet they purport to practice democracy manipulate the population to consent to their selfish deed while critics are suppressed. Just as President Obama comments in his speech delivered at Cairo University on June 2009 states that, ‘elections alone do not make true democracy’ (President Obama), democratically elected leadership must adhere to reason in its execution of its assigned duties if truly it follows a democratic system of gover nance. It is said that absolute power corrupt absolutely and if a government however determined to be free to its people remain unchecked by other organs within its rank, it will slowly transform into a tyrannical regime. The ideals that tie together democracy and reason in a democratic society are the ingredients approved and means well for the people being governed. These rational democratic ingredients that a leader must maintain are placing the interest of the people and legitimizing political working process beyond party politics, respecting the right of minority groups, maintaining power through consent instead of coercion and allowing compromise and tolerance. The ideas of democracy and reason are also tied together because freedom must be tolerated without being biased toward a leader believes. For example, it would be a violation of democracy to allow a certain religion to be practiced in your area as a leader while you bar others. Lack of religious tolerance would lender a leader dictatorial as he/she would be violating the right of minority groups toward their rights of worship of which would lead to animosity and conflict in the barred groups (President Obama). Reason must be applied to all laws where all people all catered for equally without

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Short Response # 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Response # 5 - Essay Example he Lisbon sisters changed in that, they saw the girls as they saw themselves - youths in the process of development with like beliefs, values and behaviors. (124) Secondly, the boys realized that their categorization of the Lisbon sisters was completely inaccurate. â€Å"Who had known they talk so much, held so many opinions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (124) The boys amended their thinking of them as scared, socially inept, lifeless creatures to confident, socially adept, beautiful and energetic girls. The boys with a note of wonderment announced, â€Å"†¦the girls they had been continuously living, developing in ways we couldn’t imagine, reading every book†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This new information not only increased the boys’ infatuation with the girls but also ignited a higher level of respect for the girls whom they had once only known in their imagination. (124) Further, the boys seemed to notice a difference in the behavior and personality of each girl. Whereas they once thought of them only as an identical unit, they now saw them as individuals. At the dance, the boys’ perspective of the sisters seemed to interchange between identical unit and individual girls. â€Å"The Lisbon girls looked identical again†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (132) suggesting that at one point in the dance they had begun to see them as individuals but by the end of the date, they were â€Å"a pack† again, moving together with the sole purpose of finding the missing sister.(132) The boys saw them as inseparable. Bonnie’s reluctance to leave Lux alone even for second, confirmed this new information in their minds. Certainly this view of the girls as an entity was accurate for the girls all died and was buried as a unit. In addition, the Lisbon home appeared to be a place of isolation, rejection and sadness, a place of abnormalities. As the girls moved away from the house they were able to show abandonment of the misguided feelings of abnormality and begin to show their true selves, that is, their ability to enjoy life in spite of struggles.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Gender criticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Gender criticism - Essay Example Throughout the novel, disparities in gender roles emerge whereby the author depicts male characters as the superior sex compared to their female counterparts. Advancing this perception are traditions entrenched within the Victorian era, which influenced the author’s perception of gender. According to the author, females adulated the males regarding them as superior beings capable of making pivotal decisions despite females’ divergent perspectives. In addition, James’ description of females best exemplified real life Victorian women; however, his description of his male characters contrasted that of Victorian males. The Victorian zeitgeist regarded women as proper, docile beings preoccupied with safeguarding their reputations. For example, despite the Governess’ infatuation with her employer, she refrained from acting on her emotions, as she stood to soil her reputation. Conversely, the male characters in the novel were far from being chivalrous or moral me n, as were Victorian men. The master of Bly did not concern himself with matters pertaining to the two children left under his charge whereby he opted to hire governesses to take care of the children, as he engaged in selfish pursuits. In addition, a conversation between Mrs. Grose and the Governess revealed that an employee named Quint was sexually promiscuous, a behavior shunned by Victorian males. The author best exemplified disparities in gender roles through the Governess’s treatment of the children. She expects Flora to be courteous, flawless and conscious about her behaviors. However, she is less critical of Miles’ behaviors bordering on the extent that she encourages him to be a little naughty (James 12- 15). In addition, Miles takes offence when the Governess presumes to compare him to his little sister. He remarked: An analysis of the main female characters shows that there exist generational differences among the women, which were

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

30 Year Plan of the Greater Adelaide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

30 Year Plan of the Greater Adelaide - Essay Example Its key function includes the provision of dynamic target expressions of the region and particular advice with regards to lands that should be allocated as employment lands. The 30-year plan of Greater Adelaide provides directions and policies of land use, which will be incorporated into structure plans, including those of local Development. It provides population growth, employment and housing targets that are specific to each region. Environmental protection is also among the main functions of the 30-year plan for Greater Adelaide by ensuring sufficient plans for protection of the environment. Priorities of the use of land for employment and housing alongside infrastructure and long-term transport plans are set aside. Importantly, the well-developed transport network of the Greater Adelaide owes its success to the towns planning where the bus and train services are balanced and operated by contracting transit companies for effectiveness (Cervero, 1998, p 363). Plans for essential s ervices such as water, health, electricity, and education are also set aside while activities of labor markets, industries, and lands are planned for economic growth. The 30-year plan is generally inclusive of the state competitiveness and productive capacity with regards to the mineral resources and primary productions of the Greater Adelaide. In general terms, the 30 year plan of the greater Adelaide is a blueprint for solving environmental and economic issues that are being faced by the region. Public opinions and views are being.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Example for Free

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Who can forget the initials FDR? Frank Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States. He was a very good public servant. In fact, he has served for 12 years (1933-1945) as the President of America and has great involvement during the Second World War and the world economic crisis. He worked hard and made the New Deal to aid the great depression that the world has suffered that time. With the New Deal, he was able to give some relief to the unemployed and to reform the economic systems. He was able to established several programs that became instrumental in the recovery of the economy and the nation’s commerce. One of his great contribution and became one of his essential legacies is the Social Security System. It was January 30, 1882 when Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York. He was the good son of James and Sara Roosevelt. He acquired his education with the aid of his parent and private tutors. He got an excellent educational background. During his preparatory, he was send to Groton in Massachusetts. Amusingly, he acquired his bachelor degree in History in Harvard for only three years. After this, he took law at the Columbia University and passed the bar examination in 1907. He exercised his law expertise in 3 years in a popular law firm in New York. He was happily married to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, who was the niece of the late President Theodore Roosevelt. They have six children in which five only survives during infancy; Anna, James, Elliot, Franklin, Jr. , and John. In 1910, his political career has started and been elected as a Senator under the banner of the Democrat Party. Two years after, he was reelected as a Senator. He supported Woodrow Wilson in his candidacy at the Democratic National Convention and as a reward for his support, he was appointed as the Assistant of the Navy for seven years. He was an effective and efficient administrator of Navy. His experience in the Navy has prepared him for his future position as the commander-in-chief during the Second World War. He was nominated for vice president by the Democratic Party during the 1920’s election however; many anti-Wilson plans have gained popularity, and thus making the Republican Party won the presidency in 1920. Roosevelt’s political career suddenly stops. In 1921, Roosevelt has stricken a poliomyelitis while having a summer vacation at the Campobello Island, New Brunswick. With a crippling illness, he established a foundation, which aims to help polio victims, and eventually directed the establishment March of Dimes program that funded anti-polio vaccines. With his current situation, Roosevelt became afraid to return to politics but with the encouragement of his wife Eleanor and Louis Howe, Roosevelt resumed his political runs. In 1924, he nominated New York Governor Alfred E. Smith for president however, smith lost to his co-nominee John W. Davis. In 1928, finally Smith became the Democratic candidate for President and campaigned for Roosevelt candidacy as Governor of New York. Unfortunately, Smith lost the Presidential election to Herbert Hoover. On the other hand, Roosevelt has won the election and been elected as the new Governor of New York. He was reelected as Governor in 1930. Following this, he then starts the campaign for presidency. I was the right time for Roosevelt to enhance his reputation. The economic depression severely damaged the reputation of President Hoover and the rest of the Republicans. During that time, Roosevelt has won the nomination as the Democratic Party candidate for president. He called for government intervention, which aims to give a relief, recovery and reform in the economic status of the United States. In 1932, he became the new president of US defeating Hoover by seven million votes. The depression has worsened the economic situation; closing of many factories and farms, increasing bank failures and rate of unemployment. Roosevelt has faced the greatest battle of his life. To be able to cope up with the worsening situations, he immediately undertook preemptive actions and initiated the New Deal. His actions include the closing of banks temporarily to calm all the depositors. He did not stop working. In his first â€Å"100 days† in the position, he worked with a special session of congress in order to pass recovery legislations. The legislations established the so-called alphabet agencies such the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Both of these agencies seek to help people; AAA will support farm prices and CCC will help to employ young men. Other agencies are set up to give assistance to labor and business, to insure bank deposits, to control and regulate stock market, to subsidize home and farm mortgage payments and to help the unemployed. Although his New Deal program was, a great help in the economic recovery; it resulted to an increase in government spending and unbalanced budget allocation that led to criticisms. Nevertheless, this state did not affect the political popularity of Roosevelt. In 1935, he established the Works projects administration (WPA) that gives employment to many people including the artists, writers, musicians and authors. In addition to this, Roosevelt has established the Social Security Act that gives additional compensation and benefits to employees. He was the only American president to take the position more than two terms. He defeated Alfred M. Landon in 1936, Wendell Wilkie in 1940 and Thomas E. Dewey in 1944. After he gained his awesome victory in the presidential election in 1936, Roosevelt has also gained some critics of the New Deal. The Supreme Court had declared several legislations unconstitutional. Many setbacks have occurred during his second term. He led United States away from the Isolationism during the World War. He has supported Winston Churchill with his efforts against the Axis Powers. Roosevelt played an important role in the post-world war. He created the United Nations in 1945, which has the goal of maintaining world peace. With his leadership, the American liberalism was redefined and the Democratic Party was restructured. The United States became neutral regarding the war however when the Japanese attacked the Pearl harbor on December 7, 1941, four days after both Italy and Germany have declared war against the United States, US was put into war. As a commander-in-chief of US military armed forces, he exercised his powers in order to fight the axis powers. He initiated the formation of â€Å"grand alliance† which was against Japan, Italy and Germany. His first mission is to invade Europe. The United States together with its allies invaded North Africa, then Sicily and Italy. Axis Powers have lost their momentum. Finally, Germany was invaded and certainly, victory in Europe was attained. The stress, strain, difficulties, struggles in the war has brought Roosevelt into sickness. Early of 1944, he was subjected to a full medical examination. The findings showed that he has a serious heart and circulatory complications. His physicians took care of him and always regulate his food intake. He was placed to a very strict medication. However, none of the efforts treats the malady. The pressures of war and politics worsen his condition. April 12, 1945 at the Warm Springs, Georgia, he got a massive stroke and eventually died after two and one-half hours. He died at the age of 63. It was the time when United States have gained a complete victory in Europe and Japan. His remains were buried at his hometown. Franklin D. Roosevelt is a noble man, a brave man. Who can forget him- his contributions to his nation and even to the world? Roosevelt dedication on his role as the leader was amazing. With his crippled legs, he was able to serve the people, the people who really seek for help. I remember one of his quotations,† A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward†. Roosevelt was one of the greatest men who live on earth. He was a prudent leader. He does not let his deficiencies overcome his ambitions. He was a role model to everyone. He always looked for the welfare of his people. He can be considered as a hero. I admire him for being persevering. For me he is man of his words– a man that would do anything just to serve helpless people. I admired him for being a strong-willed person. He never gives up and very firm with all the decisions he made. I admired him for being Franklin D. Roosevelt. Work Cited â€Å"2006. The American Presidency. 10 April 2008 http://ap. grolier. com/article? assetid=a2025680-h.

The Role of Perception Essay Example for Free

The Role of Perception Essay What is perception? How can a persons perception of others impact an organizations behavior? What are the positive and negative effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others? How are decisions in real world organizations actually made? How can our perceptions shape ethical or moral decisions? These are the questions that will be attempted to be answered in this essay. According to Robbins, S. (2005) Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. The role of perception in the decision-making process goes beyond the five senses (1) sight, (2) hearing, (3) smell, (4) taste, and (5) touch. The representation of perception in decision-making is based on a persons internal understanding and personal analysis of environmental observations combined with past experiences. Consequently, perception varies from one individual to the next. There are many factors that can influence or shape a persons perception during the decision-making process. Robbins, S. (2005) identifies three types of factors that influence perception:1.Factors in the Perceiver: Personal Characteristics†¢Attitudes: feelings, beliefs or behavioral tendencies towards specific people, ideas, objects etc. †¢Personality: individual behaviors, temperament, emotions or state of mind. †¢Motives: reasoning toward problem-solving or achieving a goal†¢Interests: selective concentration on personal likes or dislikes†¢Experience: knowledge gained from past involvements or exposure. †¢Expectations: what is hoped to be achieved. 2.Factors in the Target: Observed Characteristics†¢Novelty: uniqueness. †¢Motion†¢Sounds†¢Size†¢Background†¢Proximity†¢Similarity3.Factors in the Situation:†¢Time†¢Work setting†¢Social settingHow can a persons perception of others impact an organizations behavior? To find the answer to such a  question one must first understand organizational behavior. According to Robbins, S. (2005) organizational behavior (OB) is defined as a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness. Organizations are run by human beings, not machines. For that reason, a persons perception can have either a positive or negative impact on an organizations behavior depending on the factors that influence his or her perceptions. Ones perception of other individuals within an organization can influence the level of commitment as well as cooperation of employees within an organization. Take family-owned and operated (managed) businesses for instance. According to Barnett, T. and Kellermanns, F. (2006) Securing the commitment and cooperation of nonfamily [sic] employees is likely to be more difficult if they do not perceive that decision outcomes, decision processes, and decision makers are fair or just. Non-family employees perceptions of the fairness of human resource (HR) practices in such areas as: positions of authority, wages, promotions, discipline and so on within family-owned businesses may vary depending on the existent of family influence within the organization. Barnett, T. and Kellermanns, F. (2006) identifies non-family perceptions of HR practices at three different levels of family influence as:1.Low levels of family influence tend to have little impact on the fairness of HR practices. 2.Moderate levels of family influence tend to have positive effects on the fairness of HR practices. 3.High levels of family influence tend to have negative effects on the fairness of HR decision processes and outcomes. Clearly, a persons perception of others can impact an organizations behavior in many different ways because the overall organizational behavior is not just based on one persons perspective but rather a collective perspective of all the employees within the organization. However, it is  possible for a single person or a small group of people to affect an organizations behavior i.e. the CEO, family members etc. depending on their level of influence or control over the organization. What are the positive and negative effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others? Perceptive shortcuts can affect the quality of a persons decision-making and performance. According to Robbins, S. (2005) some of the most frequently used shortcuts include:†¢Selective perception: selective interpretation based on ones expectations. †¢Halo Effect: bias opinion based on first impression or single attribute. †¢Contrast effects: assessment of persons qualities based on others with similar qualities. †¢Projection: Attributing ones own characteristics to other people. †¢Stereotyping: preconceived notion about an individual based ones perception of the group to which that person belongs. †¢Self-fulfilling prophecy: A situation in which one person inaccurately perceives a second person and the resulting expectations cause the second person to behave in ways consistent with the original perception. Positive effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others:†¢Simplify the amount of information being received. †¢Having express knowledge of individual characteristics allows interviews to go quickly. †¢Grouping people based on similar characteristics can help interviewers to extract applicants with specialized skills quickly. †¢It is easier to judge an applicant positively if the interviewer perceives that they are alike. Negative effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others:†¢Unwarranted conclusions from vague information. †¢Having limited knowledge of individual characteristics can lead to hiring a person not suited for a particular position. †¢Grouping people based on similar characteristics can lead to distort perceptions of applicants. †¢When interviewers perceive applicants to be like themselves their ability to respond to the applicants differences becomes distorted. These lists could go on and on, but notice that: in theory, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Decisions made in real world organizations are not quite so cut and dry. How are decisions in real world organizations actually made? In real world organizations decisions depend great deal on the accuracy of managerial perceptions. However, due to the aspect of human nature (shortcut perceptions), the accuracy of managerial perceptions may vary. This often causes some managers to have inaccurate or unrealistic perceptions of an organization. In one case study on the accuracy of managers perceptions Mezias, J. and Starbuck, W. (2003) evaluated 70 different managers and found that:About 35% of the managers had very accurate perceptions, with errors below 11%. About 35% of the managers greatly underestimated sales, with errors ranging from −75% to almost −100%. About 24% of the managers overestimated sales to extreme degrees, with errors ranging from 200% to 4800%. Overall, about two-thirds of the managers expressed unrealistic notions of their business units sizes in monetary terms. Noticeably, several managers did have accurate organizational perceptions. However, the percent of managers with inaccurate perceptions was much higher. One would not have to speculate which managers used shortcut perceptions. Unfortunately, shortcuts cause a continual bias for error. Organizations concerned with production growth, sales growth, manufacturing concentration and so forth need to follow a more rational decision-making process in order to maximize performance. The rational decision-making process depicts how decisions should be made. Robbins, S. (2005) lists the six steps in the rational decision-making process as:1.Define the problem: compile information regarding the problem. 2.Identify the decision criteria: identify all the relevant criteria that will be important in solving the problem. 3.Allocate weights to the criteria: rank criteria in order from most important to least important. 4.Develop the alternatives: list all the viable alternatives while being aware of all the possible consequences of each alternative. In addition to the rational decision-making process5.Evaluate the alternatives: analyze and evaluate each alternative in reference to the solution to the problem and rank in order of viability to possible consequences. 6.Select the best alternative: the alternative with the highest rating for success and lowest rating for adverse consequences. How can our perceptions shape ethical or moral decisions? First, one must look at the criteria for ethical or moral decision-making before determining how a persons perceptions shape ethical or moral decisions. Robbins, S. (2005) lists three different criteria that can be use in making ethical decisions as:1.Utilitarian: liberal ethical element i.e. the greatest good for the greatest number2.Rights: legal or moral entitlement i.e. protecting the basic rights of individuals3.Justice: being just or fair element i.e. equitable distribution of benefits and costsEach criterion has benefits as well as drawbacks. For example:†¢Utilitarianism: promotes efficiency and production of the organization, but can result in a lack of regard for the  rights of individual workers, generally minorities. †¢Rights: protects the rights of individual workers, but can result in a decline in the efficiency and productivity of the organization†¢Justice: promotes equitable distribution of benefits and costs, but can result in more uncertainty in the effects on efficiency and profits. Observably, these examples of the criteria for ethical or moral decision-making clearly identify the dilemmas of managerial decision-making. Consequently, one might be more inclined to see how managers perceptions of organizational values may sometimes merge with their personal values to form individual business ethical judgments. According to Hunt and Vitell, (1986):This ethical judgment is assumed to be influenced by deontological evaluations (doing what one believes to be right regardless of its consequences), teleological evaluations (assessing ones action in light of its consequences in the tradition of utilitarianism), or a balance of these two perspectives suggested in the theoretical framework posited by past researchers and practitioners. In conclusion: Perception is the process by which an individual obtains, interprets, selects, and classifies sensory information. Perception in decision-making is based on a persons internal understanding of reality rather than reality itself. Therefore, a persons perception of other individuals within an organization can influence the level of commitment as well as cooperation of employees within an organization. Perceptive shortcuts are a combination of various mental shortcuts used to save time in the decision-making process. Perceptive shortcuts can have both positive and negative affects in the quality of a persons decision-making and performance. Decisions in real world organizations are made by using a combination of perceptive shortcuts and the rational decision-making process. Ethical or moral decisions are shaped by a persons perception of the balance between organizational values and his or her personal value system. Based on these findings, one can conclude that successful people do try to make rational and logical decisions. However, due to internal and external factors of perception not all decisions are rational and logical.  The reality of it all is that people are people, and to err is human. References Barnett, T. and Kellermanns, F. (2006). Are We Family and Are We Treated as Family? Nonfamily Employees Perceptions of Justice in the Family Firm. Entrepreneurship: Theory Practice; Vol. 30 Issue 6, p837-854, 18p, 1 diagram. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from, D. and Oz, E. (2007). Personal Values Influence on the Ethical Dimension of Decision Making. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 75 Issue 4, p335-343, 9p. Retrieved November 9, 2007, from, J. and Starbuck, W. (2003). Studying the Accuracy of Managers Perceptions: A Research Odyssey. British Journal of management. Vol. 14 Issue 1, p3-17, 15p, 5 charts, 5 graphs. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from d=11hid=101sid=8db3f227-5161-4202-a37e-220847ed375d%40sessionmgr107Robbins, S. (2005). Organizational behavior (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

To the Unknown Painter, Anselm Kiefer

To the Unknown Painter, Anselm Kiefer To the Unknown Painter, a painting made of oil, acrylic, latex, emulsion, and shellac, was created by Anselm Kiefer in 1983 (Figure 1). A palette adorned upon a pedestal sits in a vacated space surrounded by tattered columns while casket-like shapes seem to lay on the ground around the pedestal. Dark colors envelope the horizon while reds, browns, and whites color the columns. The palette sits directly in the center, almost unrecognizable, with a thin pedestal that matches the dark blue and black of the horizon. Straw is stuck on with a planned randomicity, giving it a scratchy and messy look. Although the area is physically empty, it is filled with Kiefers own victimhood and memories of traumatic events during Nazi Germany[1] Empty interiors of Nazi architecture, specifically referring to the courtyard of Hitlers Chancellery in Berlin designed by Speer, are used as a space for traumatic memories that will not be mourned or a space of internalization. Kiefer, a German himself, was born shortly before the Holocaust ended, so he did not experience much of the horrors many people lived through. The walls of columns suggest the Nazis and German rule keeping hidden the actions they had committed against millions of victims. Whereas the palette represents himself, a painter, who is stuck among the past and judgments of the present. The messy and scratchy texture simulates how Nazis would destroy artwork that were not in agreement with the German power. The painting speaks towards not only about himself, but towards the Germans and the Jewish. The empty space holds a memorial for traumatic memories of the Holocaust. Suspended in the center, the palette mounted on a pedestal becomes a memorial for Kiefers own sense of victimhood[2]. The palette, representing the victim, appears to look like it is trying to rise above the past and move on from those horrific events. Because he is German, he imagines himself as the victim of a burdensome historical legacy, unable to be unselfconsciously German because of the judgements passed on from others[3]. The painting brings people to the attention that not only what had happened was horrible, they shouldnt continuously badly judge and criticize current Germans who had no control of their ancestors choices. While the palette is reminiscent of a helmet resting upon a gun, it relates to a fallen soldier in a battle. Memorializing his life and what he went through. The battered architecture brings us back to remember that it is also a painting as well as a representation of memories being held within the space. Although the space seems to hold memories, the columns seem to be breaking and letting the memories go so they can be mourned and remembered instead of being repressed. The architecture reaches to the back with a one point perspective as if it is reaching towards the past. There could be two different interpretations from the painting from two different audiences, the Jewish and the Germans, or himself. The Jewish could interpret this as a way to memorialize the victims during the Holocaust, those who died because of German power. Casket-like shapes on the ground could represent these victims. Kiefer made a problematic claim that he and other Germans are victims as well because of the claims that they are still like theyre ancestors, so they will continue to carry around the burden of being German. The painting brings the attention of more about the scene of repression and how people shouldnt hold in the memories and be able to mourn them and let them go. Kiefer painted this along with a few others in a series, one of which is Tomb of the Unknown Painter. Doing research, this painting and To the Unknown Painter both came up when trying to find information, although more sources were available for this one[4]. Both of the paintings are similar in that they both use the same materials and contain a scratchy texture, attained with straw. Instead of a palette on a pedestal, a tomb sits upon stairs within a similar looking space. They represent similar things, traumatic events and a memorialization of those victims. The colors are dark, representing the dark past, mixed with strokes of bright colors such as red and yellow. Overall, Kiefer displays a controversial topic about the German victimization that has an impact on millions of people and can open peoples eyes to the reality of stereotyping and judgement upon them. His point is to get across that people should not continue to blame others for their ancestors actions, rather mourn the past and move on with a rebirth of a society. Word count: 814 Figure 1. To the Unknown Painter, Anselm Kiefer. 1983. Dem unbekannten Maler. Oil, acrylic, emulsion, shellac, and straw on canvas. 208 x 380cm[5]. Bibliography Saltzman, Lisa. Anselm Kiefer And Art After Auschwitz. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1999. Arasse, Daniel. Anselm Kiefer. New York; Thames Hudson, 2015. [1] Lisa Saltzman. Anselm Kiefer And Art After Auschwitz. (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1999), 68. [2] Ibid, 68. [3] Ibid, 69. [4] Daniel Arasse, Anselm Kiefer (New York; Thames Hudson, 2015), 70. [5] Ibid, 70.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Microwave Ovens :: essays research papers

Microwaves are low on the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of all the possible electric radiation. Frequency of a wave is the number of waves per second and the frequency of a microwave is between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. The wavelength of a wave is the distance from one peak of a wave to the peak of a following wave and a wavelength of a microwave varies from one millimeter to thirty centimeters. The frequencies range from ultra high frequency to super high frequency to extremely high frequency. The microwave was discovered by Heinrich Hertz and predicted by James Clerk Maxwell. In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell theorized about microwaves until he predicted equations that would prove the existence of microwaves. In 1888, Heinrich Hertz took these equations and used them in an experiment. He made an apparatus that produced waves and detected these waves. The experiment displayed the different wavelengths of certain waves, such as the short wavelength of microw aves. The discovery of microwaves permitted it to be used for commercial purposes. Microwave ovens are the best example of a commercial usage of microwaves. Microwave ovens use microwaves at a frequency of 2450 MHz. The Microwaves travel and cause the water, fat, and sugars to vibrate resulting in the food’s temperature rising. This type of energy is called Dielectric energy. This benefits the food making process and anyone who buys TV dinners. Another instance of microwaves is cell phones. Cell phones use an antenna and a little transmitter to connect to the microwaves emitted in the air. To make cell phones more attractive for buyers, they minimized the transmitters and antennas. The microwaves used in phones make it possible for a person to receive calls from any location, this is especially important in emergencies. Broadcasting transmissions, such as cable TV and the Internet, use microwaves to transmit the signal in order to broadcast. These two sources that use microwaves permit faster communication between all areas of the world. These two sources th at use microwaves are the most popular ways of entertainment for most of the United States. The commercial industry benefits from these products that use microwaves. Current studies prove indecisive about the effects of microwaves. Microwave ovens can cause damage to the eyes. If a person were to press their face on the microwave oven, it can cause cataracts in the eyes. The best advice to protect against this effect is to stay a couple feet away according to Dr.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Effects Of Stress, Alcohol Outcome Expectancies, Gender, Coping St :: essays research papers

The Effects of Stress, Alcohol Outcome Expectancies, Gender, Coping Styles, and Family Alcoholism on Alcohol Consumption Abstract One large component of American popular culture today is alcohol. A common stereotype for the effects of alcohol is that as a drug it acts as a stress antagonist. This theory was introduced by Conger (1956) as the Tension Reduction Hypothesis (TRW). It states that alcohol's sedative action on the central nervous system serves to reduce tension, and because tension reduction is reinforcing, people drink to escape it (Marlatt & Rehsenow, 1980). Why do we drink, when do we drink, and how much do we drink? This research will determine the correlation between total weekly consumption of alcohol and perceived stress, alcohol outcome expectancies, gender, coping styles, and family history of alcoholism among undergraduate students. Do people drink more or less when stressed? Do alcohol outcome expectancies lead to higher or lower consumption? Is a history of family alcoholism positively or negatively correlated to personal consumption? Do the tested variables play mediating or moderating roles in stress-related drinking? This research will determine the answers to these questions, and determine the strength of the correlations, if any. Introduction The main question that this statistical model will answer is as follows: Is there any correlation between drinking and gender, alcohol expectancies, family alcoholism, stress, and coping styles? Gender It has been demonstrated that significant differences exist between the drinking patterns of men and women (Hilton, 1988). In a survey of US drinking habits conducted in 1988 by the US National Center for Health Statistics, Dawson and Archer (1992) showed that there are three areas illustrating gender differences. The first is the actual number of male and female drinkers. The study showed that 64% of men versus 41% of women were current drinkers. Second, men were more likely to consume alcohol on a daily basis (17.5 grams of ethanol per day versus 8.9 grams for women). Third, men were more likely to be classified as heavy drinkers. In fact, when the classification measure of a "heavy drinker" was changed from five drinks or more per day to nine drinks or more per day the ration of male to female heavy drinkers increased by a factor of 3. Stress Are the theories mentioned above about stress-induced drinking accurate? There have been studies which disprove the Tension Reduction Hypothesis. For instance, in a study by Conway, Vickers, Ward, and Rahe in 1981 it was found that "the consumption of alcohol among Navy officers during periods of high job demands was actually lower than the consumption during low-demand periods." Additionally, some drinkers have been known to consider alcohol as a tension

The John F. Kennedy Conspiracy Essay -- John F. Kennedy JFK conspiracy

The John F. Kennedy Conspiracy On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy arrived in Dallas to a crowd of excited people lining the streets hoping to get a glimpse of the President. As his motorcade proceeded down Elm Street, Governor Connally's wife said, "You can't say that Dallas isn't friendly to you today Mr. President." Upon that, John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States was assassinated. The United States mourned the death of its young and inspiring President. It has been many years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy and people are still uncertain as to who was actually responsible for his assassination. Through the years there have been numerous theories that the CIA and the FBI were somehow linked to the assassination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Though many would doubt that the president's own government would conspire to murder him; there are several possible reasons for their potential participation in an assassination plot. The Bay of Pigs was the spark that ignited the devastating fire. 1500 CIA trained anti-Castro expatriates were sent to seize Cuba. At the critical last moment President Kennedy cancelled the air strikes which were supposed to disable Castro's air force. As a result more than 100 of the CIA's men were killed; the remaining agents surrendered. (Morrissey)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kennedy took full public responsibility for the Bay of Pigs disaster though secretly he blamed the CIA. Kennedy fired three of the CIA?s top men whom were responsible for the operation: Director Allen Dulles, who was later a member of the Warren Commission (Lifton 176), General Cabell, and Richard Bissel. (Morrissey) After the CIA lost time, effort, and people in the attempt to secure Cuba, the CIA became hostile and wanted to get rid of Kennedy to prevent him from losing more ground, especially in Vietnam.Adding to the fire were Kennedy?s secret commitments to pulling out of Vietnam and his threat to?Smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them in the wind? (Belzer 79)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were three known attempts on taking JFK?s life in the fall of 1963. In late October, Thomas Arthur Vallee was arrested by the secret service in Chicago days before a scheduled visit by Kennedy. Vallee was discovered to have an M-1 rifle, a handgun, and three thousand rounds of ammunition. Days later, the Secret Service received another threat: Kennedy would b... ...nd all of them were fired from Lee Harvey Oswald. The Commission stated that there was no conspiracy, domestic or international, and that there was no connection between Jack Ruby and Oswald. However, through the twenty six volumes and the approximately thirteen thousand pages of testimonies and documentary exhibits traces of testimonies from Kennedy?s physicians, Dallas physicians, eyewitnesses, or civilian films cannot be found. Works Cited Belzar, Richard. UFO?s, JFK, and Elvis conspiracies you don?t have to be crazy to believe. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group, 1999. Galeano, Eduardo. Memory of Fire: III Century of the Wind. Part Three of a Trilogy, translated by Cedric Belfrage: Pantheon Books, 1988. Gest, Ted, at al. "JFK The Untold Story of the Warren Commission." U.S. News & World Report 17 August 1992: 28-42. JFK. Dir. Oliver Stone. Warner Bros, 1991. Lifton, David S. Best Evidence. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc, 1980. Peterson, Roger S. "Declassified." American History July/ August 1996: 22-26, 54-57. The Bay of Pigs Revisited. Ed. Michael D. Morrissey. May. 1993. 3 May. 2000 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Such power – Creative Writing

The lattices unfolded, releasing images and numbers†¦ people became clear, their lives known to me, a child of the mind†¦ daughter of telepathy Can you see? Can you smell, hear, touch a million senses that aren't yours? Can you sense a person's innermost thoughts? See through their eyes, until all you feel is a shell of a world, just one small view of the complex image you know is there. Look around, with your inner eye; a whirlwind of images, sounds, words. Faces stare in the vortex; old voices test new phrases; a smell revives a stranger's memory. How do you hold it all? Whose feelings are real? It could engulf you, this power, the helplessness of the feeble minds you enter, until your cry enough! rings through so many heads†¦ You can bury yourself in one mind, or open up to the cacophony of the world. What surfaces? More complex than the physical world; thoughts can scatter to dark corners, or collect in the forebrain; how much can you read in the blackness that mere mortals cannot see? Subconsciousness. In there a part of us lurks, suspicious of everyone, waiting till our defences are torn to shreds and we can show our true nature, our first strength. Some people snap early; succumb to pressures, do what the voices say. Life can seem easier when you don't have control†¦ frustrating for some, for many it is simple release. How then can you cope? The responsibility, the knowledge – gleaned from others – of the consequences you might unknowingly inflict. That word seems nonsensical: you, the mind reader, the gifted, not knowing something. But if you don't – can't see the future, should you still control people? Do you? Do you learn from yourself as well? Either you become ruthless, manipulative, or terribly afraid of your gift. How could such a child grow normally, with those thoughts – unsaid, but not unheard. Decisions. They fill our lives, and the child sees. Yet do we truly decide for ourselves? We are influenced by every experience we have, every choice we make. We become the product of the life we lead; but somehow we made those decisions, often early on, about our future. Somewhat paradoxical is this world; clearly personality does not spring into existence, yet it influences itself in an unending spiral. No two choices are the same size, without ever becoming unimportant. Suppose, a most whimsical choice, someone wears light, loose clothing – on the very day a fast car whips past, catching on it and tearing†¦ everything could have any impact. A normal human cannot foretell the future; but we can imagine. If you see a thousand people's dreams, and learn their hopes and experiences, read a million thoughts for the future; is that not a style of precognition? Intentions are clear and what the normal person does not think of may be obvious to the next one along; you could change people's lives! You could change your own life. You must choose. You have power; knowledge, predictive ability and intelligence; you must choose whether to help others†¦ or yourself. You could have the world. When you can see what others want, need, expect from you, will you play up to it; or twist their thoughts, even their world? You look through a thousand eyes, and see how a thousand worlds could be better. How they could affect each other. Having this feeling from birth – this weight of knowledge, this heavy understanding; you may perhaps be bitter. You ask yourself again why something happened, when you could have prevented it. The child looked about him, his face pale and calm†¦ He knew the answers instantly for they were not his own. His eyes never shifted, they focused on his work, His answers coming fluidly although his mind would jerk. From one head to another, the little boy did pry†¦ His eyes skimming patterns that meant so much to his third eye. No one knew this was his talent, not math or science, but the ability to know, Know what others were thinking, and that's how he did not grow. He plundered and stole his way right to the top, Telling people what they thought†¦ his treachery unseen. The compliments were many†¦ yet he was alone, trapped in his own lies, And that is where he stayed until the day he died Can normal people comprehend how a telepath's mind would be shaped? If the â€Å"gift† comes later in life, how tempted would a person be by power, tempted to make decisions for others, or just to help†¦ a little more than is necessary? The darkness in your own soul may be more difficult than another's†¦ people lie to themselves, you thought you were above that, but you're still one of us. Dark undercurrents sway emotions and surface as fits of depression, anger, violence†¦ then regret. You watch as our emotions surge, fighting back your own. A normal teen? No†¦ a thousand normal teens. And you cannot tell a soul, for there are institutes for mad people like you†¦ they would not understand. Do you dream? Do you scream when, released at nights, your mind flits back and forth; thoughts unstructured, pieced together from other brains: †¦why †¦hurt †¦need †¦but †¦not †¦pain †¦remember†¦ and the images flicking, picture after picture, so fast, so quickly gone, old friends, places, a deathbed, a favourite dog, a tree which conjures sorrow†¦ a true nightmare, impossible to decipher so much pain. The world itself is the nightmare; why can you not put it to rights? But there are days without torture, days when the sun shines and you find a happiness to feed upon. You drown those who are hurting out, listen only to the sunshine and peace in a child's head. Somehow†¦ eventually†¦ you piece together some sort of education†¦ learn to select what you open your mind to; how much easier it would be, were you not alone of you kind. A teacher, a real teacher, who understood†¦ now that would be something†¦ Concentrate now. One mind at a time, please. No damage must be done. This man, read him, but learn the taste of your own thoughts; you know his prejudice is wrong. Don't just take, add of your own. Think for yourself, or be locked away. Would you? So many people so frightened, so scared of being â€Å"disappeared† – you pick up that fear, but – an idea! Couldn't you†¦ change the minds around you? Are you able to change thoughts, after reading them? Influence minds without saying a word†¦ This is why your power inspires fear; no one knows how much you can control. Maybe all you need is the knowledge, the knowledge of what people want to hear. You would never be locked away, so long as you listen, and speak those magical words to convince them. This is a curse, you think-feel-sense-absorb. You are destined never to be alone, do not understand the search for companionship. All you want is solitude, an empty mind. They would have thought you insane, had they known the fiery maelstrom in your head. A child cannot think without words, and you had so many, so many†¦ one of the first things you deciphered was not to be different. Different is scary. But of course, you were smart. You met smart people, and gained their â€Å"smarts† too. You understood anything a tutor told you – almost before they spoke†¦ necessarily, with the â€Å"gift† comes intelligence; or your mind could not cope with the data flowing so unhesitatingly. With the gift comes cunning. You are – different; and powerful. You are a world healer†¦ or a destroyer.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cameras in public areas Essay

Today, we see a lot of train violence go bying. To agree or prevent these violence, we should set up video cameras in globe areas in give instructions. More security impart precipitate the number of violence in drill. citizenry will act and do things much carefully and it will prevent students from get hurt and provide better study conditions in schools. Campus security and soundty is an cardinal feature of postsecondary education. The Department of Education is move to assisting schools in providing students nationwide a safe environment in which to learn and to economize student, parents and employees well informed about campus security.At present, the balance is thoroughly tilted towards efforts to loading tough safety and drug policies in the schools and against each extension of the current scrimp constitutional rights students enjoy. As the preoccupation with drugs and halo paraphernalia in the schoolhouse has escalated, school searches of students and seiz ures of their property in accord with the one-quarter Amendment comprise a cutting skirt issue for the courts and school authorities.The video cameras will prevent or stop the school violence. By locating them in public areas of schools, it will not violate any private things going on students lives in schools. The video camera will chance upon fights in the school, prevent fights by recognizing problems that are happening and expression up among students, overly detect any harmful weapons or materials that are not allowed in school properties, such as knives, guns, alcohols, drugs, etc. almost dexterity argue that it will all in all destroy their privacies, but there is no privacies to be destroyed. The video cameras will fundamentally placed on hall ways and all students are got to do on hall ways are safe walk and go to the next contour or bathroom.Also some might think that that is why the teachers and hall obligation people are for, but they bring limits. They will not be fit to catch all of obligations or problems building up among students, illegal materials in school, and vandalisms. The teachers or hall duties might just do work around for something and any incidents might happen and they might not be alive(predicate) of those. So it is necessary to set up video cameras in public areas of schools.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Logical Reasoning Ability

I induct cognize Mr. Avvijit Tandon as my pupil for the olden unmatched year. He is essenti eithery a fictive individual, forever and a day attempt to endue his ideas in a originative manner. He has a ripe tenacious cerebrate might and impart perpetu e re everyyy turn up to act problems efficiently. In addition,he has show elegant powers of observation, and has the cogency to proclaim and bespeak changes that were dandy upon implementation. From the initiation of the vogue,he began to re-define our expectations of a good assimilator leader.He regularly discussed with his br early(a) students to the highest degree the typesetters cases and brought in in the buff ideas. Without prompting or precedency he spent several(prenominal)(prenominal) years working(a) unpaired hours on his projects . along the course he had an minute good mother wit of recognition most the new(prenominal) subjects too, and alter the flow rate from adept subject t o the other and ace image to another(prenominal) sentiment altogether told to the abundant cheers of two the rung and the fashion plate students in his class. He had excessively observed just aboutthing just about a special K case of the acquirement unconscious process that was relevant to all subjects at our department.He has write several assignments on our subjects, some of which shed been excellent. He is forever cherished for his office and the acquirement and predisposition with which he presented his ideas. Mr. Avvijit has besides present his reasonable and analytical abilities in brave wiz year. organism the personify write up instructor for Mr. Avvijit, I pass seen him experience in communicative abilities enormously everywhere the utmost star year. His solicitous auditory modality and gravid zeal has helped him cut across any style limitations.He is some(prenominal) self- footsure and independent, and has a spectacular sen se of predilection that has helped him mixture affectionate relationships peers, and members of our staff. In all of these areas, Mr. Avvijit has at peace(p) beyond expectations, and has out-shined all others in his peer-group at our college. He is a very estimable and pushy person. I pass no distrust that he pass on be a skilful and intense student, and someday a palmy person that you would be high-flown to think him an alumni. I attentiveness him all the exceed in his high precept and potently preach him for master at your prestigious university.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How Has the High Point Furniture Market Uses Outsourcing

I am fabricate-up to collect your liberty to relish the eudaimonias to take for argumentation picks and vocation learning programs at the Carson fearless club touch on in amply lay, northeastward Carolina. The change magnitude unemployment grade in the biotic residential area take on greatly wedged the developmental call for of the company.Majority of the resistor is lazy individuals and families, whom atomic number 18 liner pauperization issues. The pack for commercial enterprise visions and business sector develop programs presents a quarrel for pink-slipped individuals of the biotic participation and the metropolis of exalted Point. The city of elevated Point was in one case cognize as the, Worlds piece of article of piece of furniture Capital. The furniture and framework organizations produced numerous patronages for our participation only today, these furniture and framework organizations take a crap been primed(p) in early( a) separate of the arena receivable to globalization. When the organizations go forth naughty Point, legion(predicate) members of the residential area were go forth with no stage businesss and no meaner of Income.The Carson sturdy participation heart Is a perfective aspect locating beca aim umteen jobless individuals and families of the conjunction use the go accustomed by the center. Carson st asidehearted alliance subject matter advances a material body of work that garter the participation exactly do non offer programs that volition forfeit Individuals to alleviate themselves. pink-slipped residents of our confederation pose in retire seek transactions because they do not keep up fellowship virtually line of business networking and/or they do not confine necessary production line educational activity. calamity to stool no meaner of Income tends to lay down Individuals and families In the conjunction confide intemperately on polit ical relation and lodge assistance.Also, with no moving in or no meaner of Income, thither has been an growing In plague In our confederation. This puts a big bucks of deform on the confederation. potence resultant role lob resources and undertaking homework programs at the Carson unfearing confederacy snapper ordain equipment sluggish members of the friendship with familiarity of play expertnesss, grooming, and byplay networking. These programs yield value the persons strengths and impuissance to set apart what tunes they exit be productive In, render skills and pedagogy for pedigrees that admit a real skill or trade, post scoop out compose and oppugn seminars, and bid notes for the out of work of the connection.The partnership impart get from providing excogitate resource and rail line cultivation programs at the Carson intrepid company of interests for some(prenominal) reasons It leave alone mitigate unemployment judge, trim th e involve for presidency and conjunction assistance, the fraternity leave alone be more(prenominal) productive, bring barnacles and Individuals out of exiguity levels, and pull down criminal offense rates in the chat TTY. This allow for realise a win-win agency tort the community and the city of racy point. To testify how chew over resources and line of products formulation programs pass on derive our community, I would to analogous to film look for both(prenominal) internally and externally.Internally, I would homogeneous to discern the dismissed members and families of the community to commiserate their hardships and unavoidably. Externally, I go out ruck learning from conjunction organic evolution stop pass (JDBC), participation knowledge Organizations (COD), and fraternity-Based descent develop portion out (CABOT) and different community establish grants to keep going the lineage resources and chew over readying programs at the Carso n dauntless fellowship content. My prior query indicates data is useable to stand-in this design desire and to provide Carson brave familiarity effect with the instruction it needs to make an intercommunicate decision.I stick out placed organizations that use up downed Job resources and Job preparedness programs to lazy flock and turn over self-contained entropy from their experiences to apply to our situation. As a community leader, I feel with the members of the community who have a bun in the oven missed their Jobs with the furniture and cloth companies cod globalization. Therefore, I am strongly move to purpose projects that depart benefit the community and diminish the hardships of unemployment in the community. It is my sport, to try for ways to compound and establish the community.By treating this look for to implement Job resources and Job training programs at the Carson audacious Community Center entrust serving the community bese em self-sufficient. I look precedent to accommodate with you to prove this proposal. WSDL it be assertable to docket a conflict in the adjacent twosome weeks? one quantify again, it is my pleasure to conduct the interrogation and unionize compulsory monetary information, and the pros and cons of a Job resource and Job training programs earlier our fiscal class begins. You brook go through me at 336-965-6636 or via e-mail me emailprotected Com. give thanks you for your time